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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3PDQT2

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Aptiva - 2140/2142 Considerations - Just Say Aptiva

Applicable to: World-Wide

Unable to Aptivaize using Just Say Aptiva.

If saying "APTIVA" does not launch the Aptivaize process as it should, check to see if "justsay" is running in the Windows 95 Task List.

Answer / Workaround:
Just Say Aptiva (or 'justsay' in Task List) runs automatically after First Boot is completed successfully. It will run for a period of ONE HOUR, until someone says "APTIVA", or the system is rebooted (which ends the program). Since JustSay is NOT in the startup folder, it will not run again until the system is reloaded and First Boot runs again.

Severity: 3
Preload(s): Both

Aptiva-ize using Just Say does not work.

Occaisionally, saying 'Aptiva' to begin the Aptivaize process will not work.

Answer / Workaround:
This is a very intermittent problem to which the only workaround is to double click on the Aptivaize icon to manually begin the process. At times you can get it to work by lauching, then closing the Audiostation mixer.

Severity: 4
Preload(s): Both

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Hint Category

Audio, Utility Software, Considerations

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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2140, 2142




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