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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3AFJ56

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TP 365X/XD - Keyboard Spacers

Applicable to: World-Wide

Overview :
Some IBM Thinkpad 365X/XD customers have experienced problems with the keyboard position sensor switch failing to properly actuate when the keyboard is lowered into the normal usage position. This causes the system to enter the hibernation mode just as if the keyboard had been opened. This package contains a self-adhesive spacer to be affixed to the underside of the keyboard to ensure that the switch is indeed depressed when the keyboard is lowered.

Please use this package only if you are experiencing this problem, and you have determined that the flexible mylar covering over the system components is in proper position and not deflecting the keyboard upward.

Installation Instructions :
Some early production models have no spacer at all on the underside of the keyboard, later models may have a spacer which is too thin to fully activate the switch.

If you have a system which has a spacer, but it is too thin to depress the switch, please install ONE of the self-adhesive spacers directly over the existing spacer. Then verify proper operation. If this does not alleviate the symptom, the second spacer may be installed for added thickness.

If you have an earlier production model which does not have any existing spacer you can use the following guide for placement of the spacer on the underside of the keyboard. NOTE: The spacer will be affixed to the bottom of the keyboard underneath the location of the "PrtSc" key.

A Distance (Horiz)=1/8" (4mm)
B Distance (Vert) =1/8" (4mm)

Please ensure that the spacer contacts the switch when the keyboard is closed. Again, use one spacer and verify proper operation, if needed, a second spacer may be used.

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Input Devices

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 365X/XD

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