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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SRUL-3DYNGE

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Servers - APC Smart-UPS battery calibration error

Applicable to: World-Wide

"Non critical quality issue"
APC have noticed an abnormal percentage of batteries apparently needing replacement in a batch of Smart-UPS 700i made before March 1996 (i.e. with serial numbers E95xx to E9603xxxxxx).

The symptom of the problem is that the battery replacement light illuminates prematurely. This will occur if a self test is initiated with an approximate 40% load on the UPS.

This is caused by miscalibration of the battery voltage by the UPS firmware.

This is no way effects the performance of the UPS, and does NOT mean that the battery will fail in the near future. The runtime is not affected. The field observance of this issue is small and is not accelerating.

Corrective Action
APC has developed a software package that recalibrates the battery and will stop the battery replacement light from being permanently on. This is available from APC Tech Support

Permanent fix
For all production after February 1996, this problem has been fixed in the firmware of the UPS, and this problem will no longer occur. All units in stock (either RMA stock or finished goods stock) have been reworked.

1. Are other Smart-UPS models effected? Yes, SU700RMi and SU1400RMi

2. Are Back-ups or Matrix-UPS effected? No other UPS models were effected

3. Which SU700I units are effected? Any units built before February 96, therefore with serial numbers E95xx, through E9602

4. For how long is it safe to use this recalibration software? This recalibration software should only be used on any unit with serial number less than E9602 that show the replace battery light "on". When the UPS is approximately three years old or older then it is likely this represents a real battery problem

5. How can I obtain the recalibration software? Call APC Tech Support or your local APC Account Manager

6. What do I do with units in my warehouse? Test all units to find which units are affected, and then use the recalibration software to correct the problem. Use a sticker to identify all recalibrated and unaffected units. In order to test for this problem, you need a load equivalent to about 40% of the UPS capacity (i.e. around 200W on a SU700I unit). The unit then would need to do a self-test at this load with the battery capacity initially at 100% (fully charged).

7. What do I do with units in the field? For units where this problem is identified, either call APC for a RMA, or if possible use the recalibration software to correct the problem.

For unaffected units, do nothing.

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