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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3FCDVZ

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IBM PC360 - Flash recovery jumper

Applicable to: World-Wide

PC 360-S150 (Type 6598) Flash Recovery Jumper:

If an interruption occurs during a Flash/BIOS upgrade, the BIOS might be left in an unusable state. This jumper enables you to restart the system and recover the BIOS.

To perform a Flash/BIOS recovery:
1. Power-off the computer and remove the cover.
2. Move the system board Flash jumper from pins 23-24 to pins 22-23. Refer to ¿PC 360-S150 (Type 6598) - Pentium Pro 150/200 MHz Jumper Settings— for more information.
3. Insert the upgrade diskette into the diskette drive.
4. Power-on the computer and listen to the speaker. You should hear beeps in the following sequence.
a. After you restart the computer, it beeps once. This beep marks the beginning of the power-on self test (POST).
b. After a short delay (less than 10 seconds), the computer beeps again. This marks the beginning of the recovery process; the recovery code is being copied into the flash component.
c. After about 30 seconds, the computer beeps twice, marking the end of the recovery process. Wait until the diskette drive
in-use light goes out.
5. Power-off the computer and move the jumper back to the normal (default) position.
6. Leave the upgrade diskette in the diskette drive and power-on the computer.
7. Continue with the original upgrade.

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