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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38ZLD2

PC Server 300 - Error 020860FU 61EI during system boot

Applicable to: World-Wide

During system boot two "beeps" are heard and the following error message is displayed Device Error: 020860FU 61EI
Attempts to boot from a diskette fail with the same error code.

Problem Isolation Aids
1. The system is an 8640 model 0PT
2. A PCI SCSI-2 FAST adapter is installed.
3. The system board may have just been replaced, or the system configuration changed.

Boot the system. When the error occurs, depress the CTL-ALT-S keys. The Configuration screen should appear. Using the Page Down keys, view the PCI Configuration screen (page 2 of 3) and make note of the "Device Select:" line.

There are Three PCI slots: 0, 1 & 2 (top to bottom).

Using the +/- keys, select the correct PCI slot and make note of the "Device IRQ Interrupt" line. If the IRQ is set to 5, 11 or 15, this tip does not apply and problem determination should continue. (See Note below if the "Device IRQ Line:" is blank.)

- If the PCI Device IRQ line is set to "NONE," use the +/- keys and change it to either 5, 11 or 15.
- Escape
- Depress the F4 key to save the configuration change.
- Reboot the system to enable the configuration change. The system should now operate correctly.

PCI IRQ Interrupt = "NONE" is an invalid option and will cause the system to hang with the fixed disk and the diskette drive inoperative.

If the "Device IRQ Line:" is blank (This setting should change from "None, to 5, 11, 15 and repeat), Then an auto configuration should be done as follows:
- Depress the ESC key
- Depress SHIFT and F5 together. This will set the default values into the configuration and Device IRQ Line: should show a valid setting (5, 11 or 15).

SAS Keywords:
SERVER 8640 300

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Error Messages, OS/2, Retain

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300

Machine Type





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