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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3C3K37

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TP General - Adapter Option problem

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
76H0119 - 35Watt AC Adapter PROBLEM

Be aware of a problem that has reached the field that involves the 35Watt AC Adapter - 4pin (Option P/N 76H0119 - FRU P/N 85G6735). It appears that the customer may receive an incorrect adapter. No estimate on how many were shipped to the field. The 35Watt AC Adapter - 2pin (Option P/N 76H0139 - FRU 85G6736) should not be affected.

It is possible that a customer who has purchased 76H0119 will receive an adapter for another country (ie Japan). Have the customer examine the AC adapter, and look at various part numbers (FRU and assembly P/Ns). If an incorrect adapter is involved, you should find 85G6704 (also will have a 2prong connector). The correct adapter will have a 3prong connector for the line cord, and you should find P/N 85G6733 on the adapter.

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