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Document ID: VLAR-3DTKST

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3D PCMCIA Sound Card - QConfig utility

Applicable to: United States

Product Involved:
08H4188 3D PCMCIA Audio Card.

Use this utility to test game and system compatibility with the 3D PCMCIA Audio Card. The 3D PCMCIA Audio Card and its drivers must be installed prior to using this utility.

The following image should be found after unpacking QCONFIG.ZIP from the IBM File Repository.
The volume label in drive A is ENGLISH.
The Volume Serial Number is 16F7:3A41.
Directory of A:\

QCONFIG PKG 1244 6-03-95 12:01p
QCONFIG NEW 17183 5-29-95 2:22a
QCONFIG DOC 3401 8-12-94 2:20a
QCONFIG EXE 130871 5-29-95 2:22a
QMC EXE 255563 5-29-95 2:22a
DIRA 2 9-26-96 3:28p
6 file(s) 408264 bytes used
318464 bytes free

The following is the QCONFIG.DOC file contained within the image:

Documentation of QCONFIG:
The philosophy of QCONFIG is to try and determine most aspects of machine hardware in the system. The angle of attack is through BIOS, DOS Int 21h, Device Drivers, and even straight from known memory locations.

We have tried our best to make the code machine independent. It should not matter which DOS version (later than 3.30 and QCONFIG runs in an OS/2 VDM) is being run. It also should not matter if you are on a 8088 or a 80486.

-? or ? Displays options (help)
-A Displays all supported MicroChannel adapters (can be used with the -O option to redirect to file)
-C Displays additional information on Async communications ports
-D Displays more detailed QCONFIG information includes : logical drives, adapter configuration for MC, model, submodel, revision, BIOS date, fixed disk sectors/heads/cylinders
-E Displays current environment
-M Displays all recognized machines by Model, SubModel and Revision (can be used with the -O option to redirect to file)
-O Redirect output to QCONFIG.OUT
-Ofilename Redirect output to filename

For example:
QCONFIG -Ops2data.fil would redirect the output of QCONFIG to ps2data.fil

-P Pause the output when the screen is full. Note: this also writes a file (QCONFIG.OUT) in the default drive/directory
-Q Does not display redirect message key=value Define key with value for machine info output. There is a limit of 10 keys at present

For example:
QCONFIG User="Norris Couch" "Location Site"=Boca
Output would include:
User : Norris Couch
Location Site : Boca

PC/3270s and AT/3270s are no longer supported.
The DOS version must be 3.30 or later.
The calculated machine speed is incorrect when run in an OS/2 VDM and will not be displayed under OS/2 unless you have the DOS setting for hardware timer set on for the session running QCONFIG.

The memory simm detection method in not supported when run in an OS/2 VDM and therefore memory simms will not be displayed under OS/2.

The planar ID may be incorrect (unknown) on some Model 80s when run in an OS/2 VDM. The maximum mount of real memory that will be reported is 64MB.

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