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Document ID: SCOD-3Z3GXE

Netfinity 7000 M10 - Installing Novell NetWare 5.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

Netfinity 7000 M10 NOS Installation Instructions for Novell NetWare 5.0
Revision Level: 2.0
Updated: 10/06/98

Supported Systems
8680-1RU, 1RX, 2RU, 2RX, 3RX, 3RU, 4RU, 4RX, 5RU, 5RX, ARU, BRU, CRU

Follow the network operating system (NOS) installation instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following
1.0 What you will need

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users

4.0 Detailed installation instructions

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation

4.2 Setting up the BIOS

4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller

4.4 Running the NetWare 5.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller

Appendix A: Installing NetWare 5.0 using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter
A.1 Configuring arrays using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter
A.2 Running the NetWare 5.0 Installation Program using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter

1.0 What You Will Need
Phillips-head screwdriver (for removing thumbscrews).

Supported hard disk drive. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server.

Licensed copy of Novell NetWare 5.0.

IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Flash BIOS Update Diskette.

2.0 Where To Download Device Drivers/Files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM Web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For countries outside the U.S., begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

Novell FTP site: ftp://ftp.novell.com/pub/updates/nwos/nw50/

Novell Web site: http://support.novell.com/misc/patlst.htm

Novell Web site to go to for IDECD.CDM driver: http://developer.novell.com/devres/sas/driver/ddriver.htm

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed installation instructions.

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
1. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID III Adapter and plan to use it as the startup device, see Appendix A. If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper set up.

2. Insert the CD labeled NetWare 5 Operating System and start (boot) the system to run the installation program.

4.0 Detailed installation instructions

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
1. Remove the top panel by loosening the thumbscrews at the back upper corners of the server. Remove the top access panel by pushing it toward the rear of the system.

2. For the initial installation, install all of the microprocessors that you plan to use, and remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if you are installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, just disconnect them temporarily.) After the operating system starts without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure simplifies the installation process.

When installing additional microprocessors, be sure that a microprocessor or a terminator card is in slot 4.

If you have installed the PC ServeRAID III Adapter and you do not plan to use it as the startup device, do not install the PC ServeRAID III Adapter in slot 11 or 12.

If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper set up; then, continue with 4.2 Setting up the BIOS.

3. Close the top panel.

4. Install the desired number of hot-swap hard disk drives into the hot-swap bays beginning at the top bay and proceeding downward.

4.2 Setting up the BIOS
1. Power-on the server; then, press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Configuration/Setup.

2. When the Configuration/Setup Utility menu appears, move the highlighted selection to Load Default Settings and press Enter. Press Enter again to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

3. Verify that you are at the latest level of Basic Input/Output System (BIOS).

Find the latest level by checking the IBM Web, FTP, or BBS site.

Determine the version of BIOS running on your server by highlighting the menu option System Information; then, select Product Data and press Enter. The Flash EEPROM Revision Level field contains the BIOS version. The numbers in position 5, 6, and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level. For example, OSJT23AUS is BIOS level 23A, U.S. English.

Press Esc twice to return to the Configuration Utility menu. If you determine that your BIOS does not need to be updated, continue with step 6.

4. If your BIOS needs to be updated, download the appropriate image and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file. Answer Y on the last page of the licensing agreement. The current diskette image is OSJT23AUS.IMG and is labeled IBM Netfinity 7000 M10 Flash BIOS Diskette. Exit Setup and save the settings.

5. Start (boot) with the BIOS diskette in the server and answer the question appropriately. After the BIOS update is complete, you might receive a '162 Configuration has changed' error on startup (boot). Ignore this message. Setup will start and you can continue with step 6.

Note: If you do not see the '162 Configuration has changed' message at startup (boot) time, you will need to press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Setup.

6. Move the highlighted selection to Start Options and press Enter.

7. Verify that the Startup Options are set to the following (change if necessary):

First Startup Device - Diskette 0
Second Startup Device - CD-ROM
Third Startup Device - Hard Disk 0
Fourth Startup Device - Disabled

Press Esc to return to the main menu.

8. Select Save Settings on the Configuration/Setup Utility window and press Enter twice; then, select Exit Setup and select Yes, exit the Setup Utility.

9. The server will restart. If you receive a '162 Configuration Change has Occurred' message during post, press Enter to select Continue; then, press Enter again. At the Diagnostic/Setup Utility window, press Esc; then, press Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

Note: If you have added the PC ServeRAID III adapter, see Appendix A for hard disk configuration and operating system installation instructions.

4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller
1. Start (boot) the server and press Ctrl A when prompted.

2. Select the adapter that you wish to configure.

Note: Channel B is started by default. If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 2 through 5 for both channels.

3. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

4. Select SCSI Device Configuration.

5. For Device IDs of hard disk drives and other startable (bootable) devices, make sure that Send Start Unit Command is set to Yes.

6. Press Esc twice to confirm the changes that you made.

7. Select SCSI Disk Utilities.

8. Format each hard disk drive individually by pressing Enter while it is highlighted, selecting Format Disk, and then responding Yes twice. Formatting might take some time.

4.4 Running the NetWare 5.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller
1. Insert the CD labeled NetWare 5 Operating System and start (boot) the computer.

Note: You might receive a warning that reads: 'Warning! The boot sector has changed'. Select 'Change is expected' and press Enter.

2. Highlight Read License Agreement and press Enter.

3. After reading the license agreement, press Enter.

4. Highlight Accept License Agreement and press Enter.

5. Highlight Create a New Boot Partition and press Enter.

6. If you wish to make modifications to the boot partition, highlight Modify and press Enter. To continue without making any modifications to the boot partition, highlight Continue and press Enter.

7. If you wish to make any modifications before creating the boot partitions, select Back to make any changes. If you do not wish to make any changes, select Continue to create the boot partition.

8. Press any key to restart (reboot) the system.

Note: You might receive a warning that reads: Warning! The boot sector has changed. Select Change is expected and press Enter.

9. Highlight Continue and press Enter to accept the defaults for the type of installation.

10. Select the regional settings for the server. Highlight Continue and press Enter.

11. Highlight Continue and press Enter to accept the defaults for the mouse type and video mode.

12. Platform Support, Hotplug Support, and Storage Adapter device drivers are auto-detected. If you wish to select any additional drivers, highlight Modify and press Enter. To accept the selected drivers, highlight Continue and press Enter.

13. Storage device, Network board, and NetWare Loadable Module device drivers are auto-detected. If you wish to select any additional drivers, highlight Modify and press Enter. To accept the selected drivers, highlight Continue and press Enter.

14. If you wish to modify the Volume SYS and Partition Properties, highlight Modify and press Enter. After making the desired modifications, press F10 to save your changes. To accept the properties, highlight Continue and press Enter.

15. Type the name of the server into the box labeled Server Name. Click on Next > to continue.

16. Select the first network board. Select the protocols that you wish to use. After you have configured the network board, repeat this step for all other network boards that are listed. After all the network boards have been configured, click on Next > to continue.

17. Select the appropriate time zone and click on Next > to continue.

18. Select the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) installation type for the server. Click on Next > to continue.

19. Enter the required NDS information as follows:
a. Type the tree name in the box labeled Tree Name.
b. Type the context in the box labeled Context for Server Object.
c. Type the server password in the boxes labeled Password and Retype Password.
d. Click on Next > to continue.

20. Read the NDS Summary and click on Next > to continue.

21. Insert the diskette labeled NetWare 5 License Diskette and click on Next > to continue.

22. Select any additional components you wish to install. Click on Next > to continue.

23. Review the NDS Summary information.
a. If you wish to make any changes, click on Customize. Click on Close to continue. Click on Finish to continue.
b. Otherwise, click on Finish to continue.

24. Remove all diskettes and CDs from the system. Click on Yes to restart (reboot) the system.

Note: You might receive a warning that reads: Warning! The boot sector has changed. Select Change is expected and press Enter.

Appendix A: Installing NetWare 5.0 using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter

A.1 Configuring arrays using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter
1. Upon initial start up, an error message similar to the following might appear:

- Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay)
Identifiers for the following drives do not match configuration ...

Press F10 Exit without change.

2. If the BIOS Version of the IBM PC ServeRAID III Adapter is not 3.01 (or later), start IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware, Version 3.01. If the BIOS Version of the IBM PC ServeRAID III Adapter is already at 3.01, start IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, Version 3.01 (or later) and continue with step 5.

3. At the IBM DOS 6.1 Startup menu, select Option 1, ServeRAID III BIOS and FIRMWARE update, and press Enter. The utility then updates the servers BIOS and firmware.

4. Remove the IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette, Version 3.01 (or later) and insert the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette. Restart the server and repeat step 1 if necessary.

5. If you received the message described in step 1, do the following:

Select Advanced Functions, then select Init/View/Synchronize Config, and finally select Initialize
Configuration. Confirm the initialization request with a Yes. After initializing, exit to the main menu.

Otherwise, continue with step 6.

6. On the main menu, select Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive and press Enter.

7. Select Create Disk Array.

8. Use the arrow keys to select RDY drives for each new array. Press Enter on each highlighted drive to change to ONL and add it to the array.

9. Press Esc when you are finished selecting drives, and then press Enter.

10. Select Define Logical Drive.

11. Select an array in which to define a drive.

12. Specify the RAID level for the new logical drive and press Enter.

13. Specify the size for the new logical drive by keeping or typing over the size presented, and confirm with a Yes.

14. A message stating that All logical drives must be INITIALIZED after being created appears. Press Enter. Confirm the command to initialize the new logical drive with a Yes. If a RAID-5 logical drive was defined, a message appears, stating that All RAID-5 logical drives must be SYNCHRONIZED after initialization. Confirm synchronization of the new logical drive with a Yes. The synchronization process will take place in the background. It is safe to continue the installation while this synchronization occurs. The synchronization is designed to complete in the background while normal system operation takes place.

15. Press Esc to return to the main menu. Select Advanced Functions and then select Backup IPS ServeRAID Config.

16. Verify that the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette is not write-protected.

17. In the window Config box, type the name of the file where the configuration will be saved, or press Enter to accept the default; then, select Yes to confirm.

18. Exit the utility, ignoring the message to back up the RAID configuration, and again confirm with a Yes.

Note: The procedure outlined in steps 19 through 26 disables the integrated Adaptec controllers startup (boot) capability. You can still access devices attached to it with the proper device drivers loaded.

19. Remove the diskette and start the server, pressing Ctrl A when prompted.

20. Select the channel that you wish to configure.

Note: If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 21 through 26 for both channels.

21. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

22. Select Advanced Configuration Options.

23. Set Host Adapter BIOS (Configuration Utility Reserves BIOS Space) to Disabled.

24. Press Esc twice to confirm the changes that you made.

25. Press Esc a third time to return to the Bus:Device:Channel selection window.

26. When all formatting is complete, press Esc and select Yes to exit the SCSISelect utility.

A.2 Running the NetWare 5.0 Installation Program using the PC ServeRAID III Adapter
1. Insert the CD labeled NetWare 5 Operating System and start (boot) the computer.

Note: You might receive a warning that reads: Warning! The boot sector has changed. Select Change is expected and press Enter.

2. Highlight Read License Agreement and press Enter.

3. After reading the license agreement, press Enter.

4. Highlight Accept License Agreement and press Enter.

5. Highlight Create a New Boot Partition and press Enter.

6. If you wish to make modifications to the boot partition, highlight Modify and press Enter. To continue without making any modifications to the boot partition, highlight Continue and press Enter.

7. If you wish to make any modifications before creating the boot partitions, select Back to make any changes. If you do not wish to make any changes, select Continue to create the boot partition.

8. Press any key to restart (reboot) the system.

Note: You might receive a warning that reads: 'Warning! The boot sector has changed'. Select 'Change is expected' and press Enter.

9. Highlight Continue and press Enter to accept the defaults for the type of installation.

10. Select the regional settings for the server. Highlight Continue and press Enter.

11. Highlight Continue and press Enter to accept the defaults for the mouse type and video mode.

12. Platform Support, Hotplug Support, and Storage Adapter device drivers are auto-detected.
a. Highlight Modify and press Enter. Highlight the Storage Adapter device drivers and press Enter.
b. Highlight one of the AHA2940.HAM drivers and press DELETE. Repeat this for the second AHA2940.HAM driver, unless you also have drives connected to this controller.
c. Type the slot number that corresponds to the ServeRAID III adapter in the field labeled Slot value and press Enter.
d. Highlight Return to driver list and press Enter. Highlight Return to driver summary and press Enter.
e. To accept the selected drivers, highlight Continue and press Enter.

13. Continue the installation at step 13 of 4.4 Running the NetWare 5.0 Installation Program using the Integrated SCSI Controller.

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IBM PC Server

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Netfinity 7000 M10

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