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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-386BZ5

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 750 - Flash BIOS Updates And Their Fixes.

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
This tip lists Flash BIOS fixes by part number and revision level. The part number of the system BIOS can be found under EASY SETUP. Boot the system while holding down the F1 key, choose CONFIGURATION and then select SYSTEM BOARD on the next screen. The part number on that screen is listed below under the heading P/N.

GA= general availability
Y= used on the above model
N= not used

Rev | |C|P|C|C|
Lev P/N Date | | | |s|e| Comment
--- ------- --------|-|-|-|-|-|------------------
59G3560 06/16/93|Y|Y|N|N|N|Not GA Level. Should not be in
| | | | | |customer ship level systems.
59G3834 08/10/93|Y|Y|N|N|N|GA Level 750, 750C.
| | | | | |
32 59G3839 08/13/93|Y|Y|Y|N|N|GA Level 750P.
| | | | | |Supports Pen Model.
| | | | | |
58 59G3849 10/14/93|Y|Y|Y|Y|N|GA Level 750Cs.
| | | | | |Fixes intermittent
| | | | | |Hibernation/Wakeup hangs.
60 59G3966 11/19/93|Y|Y|Y|Y|N|Not Shipped with any machine.
| | | | | |Supports, and is shipped with,
| | | | | |A/D Converter Option through
| | | | | |a system service diskette.
| | | | | |Fixes unexpected suspend after
| | | | | |set time even when unit is
| | | | | |active.
| | | | | |Fixes Flickering LCD Screen
| | | | | |after Resume on P/Cs.
| | | | | |
61 59G3968 11/25/93|Y|Y|Y|Y|N|Fixes Video Noise Problem
| | | | | |(sparkle) with ISO CRT on 750Cs.
| | | | | |Fixes Diag error 5016 during loop
| | | | | |tests.
| | | | | |
62 59G3970 12/20/93|Y|Y|Y|Y|N|Fixes false 19929 error at resume
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
67 59G3980 02/28/94|Y|Y|Y|Y|N|Fixes screen blanking on external
| | | | | |CRT on boot, resume, and wake-up.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |Fixes error in statement at
| | | | | |beginning of E000 range stating
| | | | | |that E000-E6FF may be used by
| | | | | |memory managers. The correct
| | | | | |range is E000-E5FF.
| | | | | |
| | | | | |Adds support for TV Tuner.

50G3097 11/05/93|N|N|N|N|Y|GA Level
| | | | | |
15 89G4293 11/22/93|N|N|N|N|Y|
| | | | | |
16 89G4480 01/26/94|N|N|N|N|Y|Fixes CDPD Diagnostic Error
| | | | | |after Serial Diagnostics.
| | | | | |
17 89G4576 02/17/94|N|N|N|N|Y|Adds TV Tuner Support.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 750

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