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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3DZSHP

IBM 3153 ASCII Terminal Display - Re-mapping the keys

Applicable to: Canada, United States

This document shows how to remap the keys of a 3153.

1. Go into Setup by pressing <Ctrl><Scroll Lock>
2. Press <F12> to get into program mode

Use the arrow keys to move between fields.
Use <Enter> and <Shift><Enter> to Cycle "up" or "down" through the choices for a given parameter.

3. Move to the Program field in the Parameters section to specify the Type of Key to be programmed (function or edit key in its normal or shifted state). Cycle through the options until the desired selection appears. Item 4, below, may be helpful in making the decision.

4. Select the key to be programmed. The keys that are listed as choices depend upon the Program parameter as show below:

These choices apply for non-SCO Console emulations:

Type of Key Choices
Function or <Shift>Function F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6,
F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12

Edit or <Shift> Edit Tab, Esc, Backspace, Delete,
Return, Home,up arrow,
down arrow, left arrow,
right arrow, EnterKpd, Insert,
PageDown, PageUp, End, and Print

These choices apply for SCO Console emulations:

Type of Key Choices
Function, <Shift>Function F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6,
<Ctrl>Function, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12

Edit Home,up arrow, down arrow,
left arrow, right arrow, EnterKpd,
Insert, PageDown, PageUp, End

5. Enter the ESCape character, DELete character information in the Text: section.

Let's say for example you want to remap the Clear and Erase EOF keys to Page up and Page down:

The esc sequences for the page up and page down keys on the 6 key section of the keyboard above the four arrow keys are: ESC I and ESC L

The esc sequences for the page up and page down keys on the numeric key pad are: ESC ]A and ESC#A .

Note: Instead of typing ESC ]A to program a function key, press the Esc key in the top left hand corner of the keyboard (this will put a little ec character in the program function key windows) and then press the left <shift> and ] and A so it will look like ec]A.

6. Hit the <Print Screen> key to go into EXECute mode.

7. Choose Save Terminal or Save Session.

- Terminal parameters affect all settings, including the emulation; so, selecting Save Terminal saves all settings in non-volatile (permanent) memory, including those associated with the session selected.

- Session choices affect only settings that relate to the chosen session; so, selecting Save Session saves all the settings associated with the chosen sessions.

8. Press <Ctrl><Scroll Lock> or <F14> or <Pause> to exit.

9. The prompt "Save All (Y/N)" will blink.
- Press Y or y to exit setup and save settings <====(You want this one)
- Press C or c to cancel the exit request
- Press N or n to exit Setup

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