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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BGCJ

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Server 95 - Windows NT hangs

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
When installing Windows NT or NTAS on a Server 95A, you need to be aware of the following:
The drivers for the RAID adapter look for a CD-ROM drive. If a CD-ROM is found, then Windows NT will always look for a disc in the drive. If no disc is found, then Windows NT will hang. This includes the installation process.

Keep a CD in the CD-ROM drive at all times (the IBM test CD will suffice). Greenock have contacted Boca and asked that the drivers are re-written.

Related Products:
Server 95A, Windows NT

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Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, Windows NT

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IBM PC Server

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Server 95

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