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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: COBN-3H8CQE

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TP 380,385 - How to Run the Diagnostics

Applicable to: World-Wide

How to Run the Diagnostics

Use either the TrackPoint III or the cursor move keys to interact with the tests. Pressing the Enter key works the same as selecting the OK icon to reply OK.
The following tools are required:
FDD: Erasable 2HD diskette
Parallel: Wrap plug (P/N 72X8546)
Serial: Wrap plug (P/N 72X8546)
PCMCIA: PC Test Card (P/N 35G4703)
CDROM: Any CD (data CD is recommended)

1. Press and hold the F1 key; then power on the computer. Hold the F1 key down until the Easy-Setup screen appears.
2. Select Test and press Enter.
3. Select a device and press Enter to run the test.
4. The test progress screen appears.
5. OK appears when the test ends without any errors.
6. Start the Advanced Diagnostic test as either of the following way:
Pressing Ctrl+A on the basic diagnostic menu screen.
Triple-click the icon on the right bottom corner on the basic diagnostic screen.
7. The ThinkPad FRU Connections screen appears. This screen shows the state of the connection of all connectors.
Check the connector if the Not connected message appears on the screen.
8. Click on Exit on the screen or press Esc to exit the screen.
9. The keyboard test screen appears.
Check the keyboard.
10. Click on Exit on the screen or press Ctrl+ Pause to exit the screen.
11. Select a device and press Enter to start the tests.
The instruction appears, and follow the instruction on the screen.
12. Select Test All to test all devices.
13. Select Loop Test to run the tests in a repeated loop.
A loop option menu appears in which a device loop or all-device loop can be selected. Select a device and press the Spacebar to select a device. Repeat this step to select multiple devices. Press Enter to start the diagnostic loop. If no device is selected, all device tests are looped.
14. To exit the loop, keep pressing Ctrl+ Pause until the test exits. A beep sounds to notify that the exit interrupt is sensed by the test program.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD

Machine Type





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