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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-385BUX

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TP General - Power Management Timer Settings

Applicable to: World-Wide

Information :

There is some misunderstanding in what is takes to set the custom mode power management timer settings.

When one opens Thinkpad features, the current power mode is shown as the depressed button of the three power mode icons at the center of the top of the window.

For this example, we will assume that we are on battery, and the icon that is depressed is "High Performance" (the full flow faucet).

If one clicks on "Settings" then "Battery" the Customized Box, you can set up the various timers and processor speed for Custom Power Management Mode, but this action DOES NOT enable CUSTOM as your power mode.

If you wish to change the power mode to Custom (or High Perf, or Auto) you will also need to click on the appropriate icon at the top of the Thinkpad Features window.

Think of this as a two step process
a) configuring custom power mode to suit your preferences
b) enabling Customized mode to activate your settings

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPads General

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