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Document ID: VLAR-3DTMAF

4X PCMCIA CD-ROM Drive - Using the drive

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document and the Related Document covers pages 2-9 through 2-21 of the User's Guide to the 4X PCMCIA CD-ROM Drives. The topics include software driver installation and using the drive.

(Continuation of the User's Guide for Installing the drive.)

To Load a CD:
Refer to the illustration "Top of Drive" on page 2-2 when loading a CD:
1. Press Open (4) to release the CD cover (3)
2. Lift the CD cover up until it snaps into the open position,
3. Do not hold the CD by the edges. Do not touch the surface of the CD,
4. Insert the CD on the drive with the label facing up. Press the CD until it is firmly at the center with a click.

To remove a CD:
1. Press Open (4) to release the CD Rom cover (3)
2. Lift the edge of the CD edge while pressing the center of the CD.
3. Close the cover.

Postition the Speakers (Stereo Model Only):
The built-in speakers of the stereo model are provided to play back sound and audio CDs.

To position the speakers:
1. Pull out the right and left speakers from the bottom of the drive until they are parallel with the drive.
2. Raise the speakers until you hear a click. Do not forcibly turn the raised speakers to the inside.

To return the speakers back to their storage positions:
1. Push the speakers flat.
Note: Rotating the speakers before positioning them flat may cuase damage to the device.
2. Rotate the speakers back to the storare position.

Using a DATA CD:
You can use a data CD to read data files, play games, or run applications. The instructions to use a data CD depends upon your operating system.

To use a data CD:
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position. The operating system displays messages shown below (where drive D: is the CD ROM drive in the following example).
MSCDEX Version 2.2.3
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1986-1993
Drive D:=DRIVER PCMCD001 unit 0
2. Load a data CD
3. At the DOS prompt, type DIR D: then Enter.
4. Verify that you can view the files on the data CD.

Windows 3.1x:
To use a data CD:
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load a data CD
3. Within Windows, open FileManger by double-clicking on FileManger.
4. Verify that the CD icon is displayed.
5. Double-click on CD-ROM.
6. Verify that you can view files on the data CD.

Windows 95:
To use a data CD:
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load a data CD
3. Click on My Computer.
4. Verify that the CD icon is displayed.
5. Click on CD-ROM.
6. Verify that you can view files on the data CD.

OS/2 Warp:
To use a data CD:
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load a data CD
3. Double-click on OS/2 System and then DRIVE.
4. Verify that the CD icon is displayed.
5. Double-click on CD.
6. Verify that you can view the files on the CD.

Playing an Audio CD:
You can control an audio CD by:
* Using audio utility controls on the computer.
* Using CD controls on the drive.

Using Audio Utility Controls on the Computer:
When you play a CD through the computer, use the audio CD control functions available through your operating system. You can adjust the volume with either the volume control in your audio program, or with the volume control on the CD-ROM drive. Note that the standalone CD operation controls, (9), (10), (11), (12), do not function when the drive is connected to the computer.

The instructions to play an audio CD depends on your operating system.

Windows 3.1x:
(To use the Windows audio utility:)
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load an audio CD.
3. Double-click on Accessories.
4. Double-click on Media Player, and then on Device.
5. Select CD Audio. If you do not see the CD Audio on the Media Player device menu list, you must install the Windows CD Audio driver, and you will require your Windows 3.1x diskettes. To install the driver, use the following, instructions or refer to your Windows documentation for details:
a. Double-click on Main, Control Panel, then Drivers.
b. Click on ADD.
c. Select MCI CD Audio, click on OK, then follow the on-screen instructions which will ask for a sequence of the Windows 3.1x diskettes.
d. Click on Close to Exit Windows.
e. Restart Windows.

Windows 95:
(To use the Windows 95 audio utility:)
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load an audio CD.
3. Click on Start.
4. Select Programs, Accessories, Multimedia, and then Media Player.
5. Click on Media Player.
6. Click on Device.
7. Select CD Audio.

OS/2 Warp:
(To use the OS/2 audio utility:)
1. Turn on the computer and turn on the CD-ROM drive by moving the power switch (19) to the on position.
2. Load an audio CD.
3. Open Multimedia.
4. Select and start Compact Disk. Note that if the PCMCIA card is connected when you start the computer, turn on the power to the CD-ROM drive before you start OS/2.

Using CD Controls on the Drive:
You can play an audio CD on the CD-ROM drive as a standalone unit. The CD-ROM drive is a standalone unit when it is not connected to the computer. Use the CD standalone operation buttons, (9) (10) (11) (12), to control audio CD play. The functions of the CD standalone operation buttons are:




Starts and pauses playing the CD.


Stops playing the CD.


Skips to the next tune when pressed once. Skips to the tune after the next one when pressed again.


Returns to the beginning of the current turn when pressed once. Returns to the previous tune when pressed at the beginning of a tune.

Using Windows 3.1 Audio Utility:
The stereo model provides an audio utility for Windows 3.1x with an Audio Applications program group that includes audio and miscellaneous programs. (Refer to "Windows 3.1x Audio Utility (Stereo Model Only)" on page 2-10 for the installation instructions.) Double-click on Audio Applications program group to view the functions available. The primary audio functions included are the:
* Audio Recorder
* Extended Recorder

Audio Recorder:
Use the Audio Recorder to:
* Record digital audio files from voice, music or other sound sources.
* Playback audio files.
* Edit digital audio files by cutting, copying pasting a waveform.
* Embed sound objects in documents created in applications that support object linking and embedding (OLE).

The Audio Recorder Help function has additional information not included in this manual.

Making a Digital Recording:
With the Audio Recorder, you can record files with a .WAV or .AUD file extension. You can record an audio signal from a microphone, cassette tape player, CD player, or any other line-in source using the external drive connectors, reference "External Connectors of Drive" on page 2-3.

Follow these steps to make a digital recording:
1. Double-click on Recording Control and use this window of audio sound to record from one or more sources. (If you do not open the Recording Control Window, the Audio Recorder uses the sound source settings previously in effect). Recording Control provides options to:
a. Select the input source or sources to be recorded (Line, Mic, and CD). The Synth and AuxB sources are not supported with the CD-Rom drive.
b. Adjust the volume of each selected input source by moving (Vol) slide up or down.
c. Adjust the volume balance between the right and left speakers for each selected input source by moving the (Vol) slide left or right.
d. Adjust the volume and balance of the primary to control the recorded signal from all the sound sources selected.

2. Double-click on Audio Recorder.
a. Click on New File or select New from the File menu.
b. Select the Sound Attributes to specify the audio fidelity of the recorded file:
* Mono or stereo
* Sampling rage (11, 22, or 44kHz)
Note: the stereo model does not support sampling rates of 5.5 and 8kHz.
* Sample size (8bit or 16bit)
c. Click on OK.
d. Click on Record button to record the input source selected.
e. Click on Stop button to pause or end the recording.

3. Select File from the menu bar.

4. Select Save As and specify the file name with file extension (.WAV or .AUD).

You can make a high fidelity audio file using a 16bit sample size with a high sampling rate. A high fidelity recording can use large amounts of storage space. For efficient use of file space when recording, consider the following:
* Record in mono rather than stereo. Mono mode takes one sample at a time rather than one for the right and left channels.
* Use the lowest sample rate practical.
* Use an 8bit sample size rather than 16bit for speech and sound effects when possible.

Playing an Audio File:
You can play an audio file with the following file extensions: .WAV, .AUD, .MID, and .MFF.

To play an audio file, follow these steps from the Audio Recorder Window:
1. Select a sound file by using the File menu on the menu bar.
2. Click on Play button to hear the audio file.
3. Select Volume Control from the Options menu to regulate the playback sound level or stereo balance.
4. Select Mixer from the Options menu to play the current audio file together with the other sound source.

Extended Recorder:
Use the Extended Recorder for recording and the playback of audio files of meetings, conversations, and dictation using a 4bit format (sample size) sound attribute. The 4bit format is a low fidelity specification but it allows you to capture longer conversations using less file space than larger sample sizes.

The Extended Recorder has a voice activation option to pause the recording when there is no input from the recording source.

You can use the Extended Recorder Help function to obtain additional information.

Maintaining the Drive:

Use the following instructions to clean your drive and CDs.

Cleaning the surfaces of the CD-Rom drive:
Lightly wipe the CDRom drive with a dry soft cloth. If stains remain on the surface, use a damp cloth (soak cloth in a diluted mild detergent and squeeze it firmly). Do not use solvents such as thinner, alcohol, or benzene. They cause deformation and discoloration.

Cleaning the lens:
If the lens is dirty, the CD Rom drive may not operate correctly. Clean the lens with a CD lens cleaner (available at stores).

Cleaning the CD:
Clean the CD with a soft cloth from the center to the outside radially. If stains remain on the disk, clean it with a damp cloth (soak cloth in water and squeeze it firmly). Then, wipe the disk with a dry soft cloth. Do not use record cleaner or antistatic spray.

Related Document:
- IBM 4X PCMCIA CD-ROM Drive (1969008) - Software driver installation

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