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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ARBVW

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TP 760C/CD/L/LD/EL/ELD - List with/without Level 2 Cache

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
Clarification of 760 Machines with/without Level 2 Cache
To clarify which of the Thinkpad 760 series machines have Level 2 cache, the list has been provided by product development. INFOPM is in the process of being updated.

9546-U11 Yes
9546-U21 Yes
9546-U22 Yes
9546-U27 Yes
9546-U1A Yes
9546-U2A Yes
9546-U2B Yes
9546-U2H Yes

9546-U13 Yes
9546-U28 Yes
9546-U1C Yes
9546-U2J Yes

Thinkpad 760E,ED
9546-U3A Yes
9546-U3B Yes
9546-U4A Yes
9546-U4B Yes

9546-U9A Yes
9546-U9B Yes

Thinkpad 760L,LD
9547-U01 No
9547-U31 No
9547-U0A No
9547-U3A No
9547-U0R No
9547-U3R No

Thinkpad 760EL,ELD
9547-U4H No
9547-U4F No
9547-U6F No
9547-U6G No
9547-U3F No
9547-U4R No
9547-U4S No
9547-U6R No
9547-U48 No

Thinkpad 760EL
9547-U4G Yes
9547-U4T Yes
9547-U4K Yes

9547-U6H No

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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