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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3J7GYX

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IBM PC330/PC350 - System hang using XCOPY with PCI LANStreamer

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM PC 300 Series 6576 and 6586 systems may exhibit a system hang condition with an OS/2 3193/3195 error in the LAN Error Log.

Problem Isolation Guidance:
The system hang condition occurs while the system is performing multiple XCOPY sessions across the token ring network between a client and the server using the PCI LANStreamer Token Ring card and OS/2 2.11.

Failure analysis has indicated that this type of failure is most likely a fault with the PCI LANStreamer adapter or the memory SIMMs installed. Isolate the system failure to the PCI LANStreamer adapter or system memory SIMMs by using a replacement adapter and memory for diagnostics purposes. If the failure persists after replacing the PCI LANStreamer adapter, replace the memory SIMM(s) one at a time until the failure is eliminated.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Lock-up/Hang

Date Created


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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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