512.180 bytes

System Support Disks

Document ID: DSHY-3ZFU6Q

TP 770 - Video Features IV (TR9397D) for Windows 95/98

Applicable to: World-Wide


The Video Features IV drivers for Windows 95/98 drivers:
- Improve the drawing performance on the display
- Provide a resolution up to 1600x1200 for a CRT monitor
- Provide various color depths: 256, 64K, and 16M for a CRT monitor

* If you are using SoftDVD application for DVD playback, the latest level of 'Video Capture Feature' will be required. Please download it and perform the installation after this installation.

The following models are supported:
- ThinkPad 770
- ThinkPad 770E/ED
- ThinkPad 770X
- ThinkPad 770Z


Name & Size (bytes)
vftpcw9x.exe : 489854
vftpcw9x.txt : 6521


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Disk Release Date:


Disk Version/Release:


Additional Information:

NOTE: This driver will now automatically extract to your hard drive. It will only extract under Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT. The extraction process will NOT work with any other operating system.

Installation Guide
For Windows 98
1. Start Windows 98.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
3. Click on 'Start' -> 'Settings' -> 'Control Panel'.
4. Open the Display icon.
5. Click on the 'Setting' tab.
6. Click on the 'Advanced...' button.
7. Click on the 'Adapter' tab.
8. Click on the 'Change...' button. Then the 'Update Device Driver Wizard' dialog box appears.
9. Click on the 'Next>' button.
10. Select 'Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can select the driver you want'.
11. Click on the 'Next>' button.
12. Click on the 'Have Disk...' button. Then click on the 'Next>' button.
13. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\DISPLAY. Then click on 'OK' button. Then video driver list appears.
14. Confirm 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397DVD)' or 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397)' is listed in 'Models' field and focus it then click on the 'OK' button.
15. Click on the 'Yes' button if 'Update Driver Warning' dialog is appeared.
16. Click on the 'Next' button.
17. Click on the 'Finish' button.
18. Click on the 'Close' button.
19. Click on the 'Close' button in the Display Properties dialog box.
20. Windows 98 prompts you to restart the computer to make the display driver change effective.

For Windows 95 OSR2(OEM Service Release 2)
1. Start Windows 95.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
3. Click on 'Start' -> 'Settings' -> 'Control Panel'.
4. Open the Display icon.
5. Click on the 'Setting' tab.
6. Click on the 'Advanced Properties' button.
7. Click on the 'Adapter' tab.
8. Click on the 'Change...' button.
9. Click on 'Have disk...' and click on 'OK'.
10. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\DISPLAY. Then click on 'OK' button. Then video driver list appears.
11. Confirm 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397DVD)' or 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397)' is listed in 'Models' field and focus it then click on the 'OK' button. Windows 95 then copies necessary files to your hard disk.
12. Click on 'Close'.
13. Select your screen parameters from the Color palette, Desktop area, and Font size; then click on 'OK'.
14. Click on 'Close'.
15. Follow the instructions on the screen. Windows 95 prompts you to restart the computer to make the display driver change effective.

For Windows 95 and Windows 95 Service Pack 1
1. Start Windows 95.
2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
3. Click on 'Start' -> 'Settings' -> 'Control Panel'.
4. Open the Display icon.
5. Click on the 'Setting' tab.
6. Click on the 'Change Display Type...' button.
7. Click on the 'Change...' button.
7. Click on 'Have disk...' and click on 'OK'.
9. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\DISPLAY. Then click on 'OK' button. Then video driver list appears.
10. Confirm 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397DVD)'or 'IBM ThinkPad(Cyber9397DVD)' is listed in 'Models' field and focus it then click on the 'OK' button. Windows 95 then copies necessary files to your hard disk.
11. Click on 'Close'.
12. Select your screen parameters from the Color palette, Desktop area, and Font size; then click on 'OK'.
13. Click on 'Close'; then click on 'Close' again.
14. Follow the instructions on the screen. Windows 95 prompts you to restart the computer to make the display driver change effective.

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn> Diskette version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
(New) New function or enhancement
(Fix) Correction to existing function

- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770.

- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770E/770ED.
- (Fix) Screen becomes blank when opening a DOS full screen session during an overlay playback or using Intel Video Phone.
- (Fix) System hangs when video test is running with WinBench 97.
- (Fix) System hangs when high-end graphics test is running with WinBench97 with 1024x768 64K.
- (Fix) System hangs when business graphics test is running with WinBench97 with 800x600 16M.
- (Fix) Page fault error occurs when capturing video using Digital Video Producer.
- (Fix) System hangs when opening an AVI file after playback of a 640x480 AVI file.
- (Fix) Horizontal wave noise appears on overlay screen when going back to the desktop from a DOS full screen session during playback of a MPEG file with IBM MPEG2.
- (New) Default mode of MPEG2 playback is BOB mode.

- (New) Support for Windows 98

- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770X.

- (Fix) System lockup while capturing on Windows 98.

- (Fix) Session hang after toggle the display device while playing Mpeg2 file by Media Player.
- (Fix) Missing the second monitor after suspend/resume in Dual Display mode in Windows 98.
- (Fix) Video image is disappeared after toggling the display device.

- (New) Support for ThinkPad 770Z.
- (New) WHQL certified driver

- (Fix) Screen blackout while creating docking configuration.
- (Fix) Macro block noise while playing movie.

IBM, ThinkPad are trademarks of IBM Corporation.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Trident is a trademark of Trident Microsystems, Incorporated.

Search Keywords

Disk Category

Video, Windows 95, Windows 98

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z

Machine Type

9548, 9549, 9544




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