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Document ID: DDSE-3TQM7Y

PC Server 325 - Installing Windows NT 4.0 Server

Applicable to: World-Wide

Supported Systems: 8639 -PT0, -PTW, -PB0, -RB0

What you will need:
- Flat head screw driver
- Supported hard drive (refer to http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your IBM Server).
- License copy of Microsoft NT Server 4.0 (note: if you plan to install using a copy of the CD, you will have to install using diskettes. Copies are not bootable).
- Ethernet Support Diskette. This diskette can be downloaded from the IBM BBS or FTP site (see next section for more info).
- Microsoft NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 (filename NT4SP3_I.EXE). This is available from MicrosoftÆs web site or FTP site (see next section for more info).

Where to go for drivers/files:
IBM BBS (in US): 919-517-0001
IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/
Microsoft FTP site: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/
Microsoft web site: http://www.microsoft.com/support/

(For users who are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and NTÆs install process, jump to the last section entitled Quick Install for Experienced Users)

Setting Up the Hardware
1. For models -PT0 and -PTW, ensure the voltage switch on the back of the power supply is set properly (models -PB0 and -RB0 have auto-sensing power supplies).
2. Looking at the rear of the system, loosen the 3 thumb screws on the right of the system and remove the side access panel.
3. For the initial install, it is recommended that you remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, just disconnect them temporarily. After the operating system is booting without errors, add these devices one at the time. This procedure streamlines the install process).
4. Carefully cut and remove the wire tie that holds the internal power connectors to the swing out DASD cage. Loosen the thumb screw on the swing out DASD cage.
5. Set the jumpers on the boot hard drive to enable active termination (Active Term or Tres jumper). The boot hard disk should be set to SCSI ID 0 (this is the default; no jumpers on the ID pins signifies ID 0). A label of the jumper pin outs is on top of the hard drive. Refer to the hard drive documentation for more assistance.
6. Insert the boot hard drive in the bottom bay of the drive cage circuit-side down and use the screw kit to mount the harddrive to the cage.
7. Attach the last drop of the SCSI cable (farthest from the controller) to the boot hard drive. Attach an available internal power connector to the SCSI hard drive.
8. Verify that the SCSI cable runs from the on-board SCSI controller to the CD-ROM, and then down to the hard drive in the DASD cage.

Setting Up the BIOS
1. Power on the system and press F1 to enter Configuration/Diagnostics.
2. At this time, go ahead and place your NT Server 4.0 CD into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Press Enter to select Configuration/Setup Utility.
4. Select Date and Time and verify the settings. Then press ESC to return to the main menu.
5. Select Start Options and verify that the First Startup Device is set to Diskette Drive 0 and the Second Startup Device is set to Hard Disk 0. Press ESC to return to the main menu.
6. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources reserved), choose Plug and Play and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy. From the Plug and Play window, press ESC and select Save Settings. Press Enter and then select Exit Setup. Press ESC and Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.
7. The server will reboot (If you receive a 162 Configuration Change has Occurred message, press Enter to select Continue, then Enter again. At the Diagnostic/Setup Utility window, press ESC and then Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility).

Running the NT Setup Program
1. The server will boot to the CD automatically, and begin the NT Setup program. Note: This requires an original NT Server CD, not a copy. Otherwise, boot from the NT Setup boot diskettes (there are 3). Refer to your Windows NT Server manual for more information.
2. Press Enter to setup NT when prompted.
3. The system should auto-detect the Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394X/AIC-78XX SCSI Controller. If your boot drive is connected to the on-board SCSI controller, press Enter to continue. If your boot drive is connected to a different SCSI adapter, press S and insert the driver for that adapter (again, refer to http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your IBM Server).
4. If this is a new hard drive, you will get a screen informing you that you are about to lose any information that is on your hard drive. Press C to continue if that is acceptable.
5. Read through the Windows NT Licensing Agreement and then press F8 if you agree to the terms and conditions.
6. Verify that the list of hardware and software detected is correct and press Enter to select The above list matches my computer.
7. When installing on a new hard drive, the next window allows you to partition the hard drive. It is recommended that you create about a 1000 MB partition (1GB) for the operating system (C: drive). This may vary depending on your specific needs. With NT, the max partition size when using NTFS is 4000 MB (4GB). The max FAT partition size is 2000 MB (2GB). Therefore, if you are installing a 4.51 GB or higher hard drive, you will have to create at least 2 partitions. For this example, I am installing on a 4.51 GB drive. Press C to create a partition in the unpartitioned space. Back space over the 4299 and enter 1000. Press Enter twice to install Windows NT on the New (unformatted) 996 MB partition.
8. Select the file system you would like to use (FAT or NTFS). Refer to your Windows NT Server manual for more information. Note: the format procedure may take some time depending on the size of the partition(s) you created.
9. Press Enter to accept \winnt as the install directory.
10. Press Enter again to allow setup to examine the hard disks.
11. The Setup program will then copy some temporary boot files from the CD to the hard drive. After it finishes copying, you will be prompted to remove any diskettes and CDs from their drives and then press Enter to reboot (Be sure you remove the CD since it is bootable).
12. Press Enter at the Virus Warning window to select Change is expected. Note: NT modifies the boot sector which causes this message to appear. This is normal.
13. Now place the NT Server CD back into the drive.
14. Follow NT's Install Wizard screens to configure the installation. Note: it is strongly recommended that you create an Emergency Repair Disk when prompted. Refer to your Windows NT Server manual for assistance.
15. If you plan to use the on-board 100/10 Ethernet port, continue to the next step. Otherwise, skip to step 18.
16. At the network adapter installation screen, select on Select from listà and then Have Disk. Place the Ethernet Support Diskette 1 of 2 (BBS filename = 4306793.EXE; ships with the system) into the A: drive and type in a path of A:\winnt and press Enter. Select OK to select AMD PCNet Family Ethernet Adapter. Select on Next and check the desired protocols. Press Enter 3 times.
17. !!! IMPORTANT !!! At the AMD PCNET PCI Ethernet Adapter v3.10i screen, just select on Continue. DO NOT make any selections in this window. Simply accept the defaults and continue.
18. Continue through the Wizard making any necessary configuration changes.
19. Press Enter when prompted to reboot the system (again, be sure to remove the CD).
20. If you receive any NT errors during boot, look at the Event Viewer by selecting on Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Event Viewer. If you get any Ethernet errors, ensure the system is cabled properly, that the 10BaseT port check box is unchecked (look at the adapter properties in the Control Panel - Network icon), and that the port is enabled in the BIOS (press F1 during POST, select Config/Setup Utility, Advanced Setup, PCI Control).
21. After the system is booting without errors, shut down and power off the system. Add desired adapters and options one at the time and load the necessary drivers. Ensure that each device is working without errors before adding other adapters or options.
22. Install MicrosoftÆs NT Server 4.0 Service Pack. The latest version at time of writing is Service Pack 3. The file and install documentation are available from MicrosoftÆs web and/or FTP site.

Quick Install for Experienced Users:
1. Check voltage switch where applicable (some models are auto-sensing).
2. Set the jumpers on the hard drive so it is set to SCSI ID 0 and active termination is enabled.
3. Place original NT Server 4.0 CD into drive and power on system (system will automatically boot to CD-ROM.
4. If any ISA devices are installed (or will be installed) that need IRQs (or other system resources reserved), go into the BIOS settings and choose Plug and Play and then the desired resource type you wish to reserve. Change the desired resource from Plug and Play to ISA Legacy.
5. NT will automatically detect the on-board SCSI controller. Use the drivers off the NT CD.
6. Use the Ethernet drivers for the on-board ethernet 100/10 controller. Use the Ethernet Support Diskette. The path to the driver is A:\winnt.
7. !!! IMPORTANT !!! At the AMD PCNET PCI Ethernet Adapter v3.10i screen, just select Continue. DO NOT make any selections in this window. Simply accept the defaults and continue.
8. Install Microsoft NT Service Pack 3.

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Windows NT

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 325

Machine Type



PT0; PTW; PB0; RB0


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