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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39VKF7

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IBM PS/2/IBM ValuePoint - Corrupted/Distorted video

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
All brands of Personal Computers are exposed to some sort of video corruption due to operating system, application or device driver levels. While exposure to video corruption is extremely small, the end user may suspect that the failure is due to a hardware failure in the display or system unit.

Video corruption may be as subtle as a single pixel change in one corner of the display to a totally unreadable image. Below are some examples of the types of video corruption or distortion that may not be caused by the display or the system unit, but rather the device drivers, BIOS level or operating system:

a. Unexpected characters on the screen and/or imbedded within text data files.
b. Color palette shifting (areas of the display changing colors).
c. Rolling image
d. Image shift (screen appears to shift vertically or horizontally).
e. Blank display after mode switching (text <--> Hi-Res).
f. Unexpected or incorrect results from a video test
g. Video corruption while moving or resizing windowed sessions
h. Blank or unreadable display after installing an operating system or application.

Non-display related symptoms of video device driver, Flash BIOS or operating system failures:
i. Print failures (incorrect printed output to a locally attached printer, for example: LPT1:).
j. System hangs, Trap errors or memory errors when accessing an application.

Before replacing any hardware, ensure that the latest level Flash BIOS and video device drivers are installed.

When attempting to diagnose symptoms similar to those stated above, consult the User's Guide for the system to aid in accessing the system's Configuration Utility. The information in the Configuration Utility will allow viewing of the BIOS revision level and, in some models, allow modification of the display setup characteristics.

In many cases the documentation for software applications will not address in great detail the importance of obtaining the latest level video device drivers or Flash BIOS, and how to determine what levels are installed.

Some applications include video drivers that are tested on popular video adapters and video chipsets to ensure compatibility. User knowledge of the type of video adapter and/or chipset installed is an important step in properly configuring an application.

Through ongoing testing of IBM products, the IBM PC Company makes available video device driver updates for DOS, Microsoft Windows, and OS/2. Updates to these drivers are done as a result of field reported problems and Lab testing.

To obtain a copy of the updated video device drivers along with the latest Flash BIOS upgdates for the following types of products, please Double Click on the appropriate icon These Links will be available in the near future:-
IBM PS/2 Systems (Microchannel and ISA Bus models)
IBM PS/ValuePoint
IBM PS/ValuePoint Performance Series
IBM PC 300 and 700 Series
IBM PC Server Products

D/T6381 D/T6382 D/T6384 D/T6387
D/T6472 D/T6482 D/T6484 D/T6492
D/T6494 D/T6571 D/T6573 D/T6581
D/T6583 D/T6575 D/T6585 D/T6576
D/T6586 D/T6875 D/T6885 D/T6876
D/T6886 D/T65XX D/T68XX OS2
D/T9595 D/T9585 D/T8525 D/T8530
D/T8535 D/T8540 D/T8556 D/T9585
D/T8550 D/T8555 D/T8565 D/T9595
D/T8557 D/T8560 D/T8595 D/T8590
D/T8570 D/T9576 D/T9557 D/T9556
D/T8580 D/T9577 D/T9533 PSY2DISP

Search Keywords

Video Graphics

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PS/2, ValuePoint

Machine Type

6381, 6382, 6384, 6387, 6472, 6482, 6492, 6571, 6575, 6576, 6581, 6585, 6586, 6875, 6876, 6885, 6886, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577, 9585, 9595, 6484, 6494, 6573, 6583, 8525, 8530, 8535, 8540, 8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 6565, 8570, 8590, 8595




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