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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3AHL3V

IBM PC - NEC DDC1 monitor malfunction

Applicable to: World-Wide

DDC1-complaint monitor models XE15, XE17, XE21, XP15, XP17 and XP21 from NEC fail when attached to PC300 series P60 models and PC700 series. Symptoms include unexpected video configuration errors.

Note that this problem may also occur when DDC1-complaint montiors from other vendors are connected to a PC300 P60 or PC700 system unit, or when IBM when DDC1-complaint monitors are attached to system units from other vendors.

Problem Isolation Aids:
- The system displays a 162 error during POST.
- The SurePath BIOS setup utility (F1 during POST) indicates a change has occurred in the video setup.
- The power LED on the monitor flashes, indicating that the display has lost sync or entered a power management mode.
- The failure does not occur if the monitor is powered on 20 seconds after the system unit.
- An IBM DDC1-compliant monitor does not exhibit the problem, irrespective of whether or not it has its DDC function enabled.
- The IBM PC 300 series P60 models/PC 700 series system is below flash BIOS level 65A.

This is an OEM monitor incompatibility - no system parts should be replaced. Applying flash BIOS level 65A or higher corrects this problem. The immediate field fix (pending application of BIOS 65A) is to power the monitor up 20 seconds after powering on the system unit.

The latest level of flash BIOS is available for download.
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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6575, 6585, 6875, 6876, 6885, 6886



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