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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3HWAWS

IBM PC - Adapter resource conflict in OS/2

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM PC 700 Series 6876 and 6886 Micro Channel systems and PS/2 9576/9577 models ANG and BNG may exhibit resource conflicts when attempting to use two or more adapters in OS/2.

An incorrect ABIOS.SYS file installed during the installation of OS/2, is not allowing interrupt sharing to occur.

Problem Isolation Aids:
When installing OS/2 on a 6876/6886 or 9576/9577 system that does not contain a system partition, and the system posts a message stating "Cannot find ABIOS.SYS" after the first IPL, then this tip applies.

This failure occurs because the correct ABIOS.SYS, and SF83900.BIO (6886/6876), or SF8B000.BIO (9576/9577) files are not presented when OS/2 is installed. Each of these Micro Channel systems requires a system specific ABIOS file to function properly, which includes shared interrupt capability.

The result of this failure will be seen in the following example: If the user installs an IBM Multiprotocol adapter and also wishes to use an on-board serial port for an SDLC connection, OS/2 WARP may report that "the COMM port is being used by another resource."

To install OS/2 2.1, or OS/2 WARP in a Micro Channel system that does not contain a system partition, the Installation Diskette must be modified in the following manner:
1. Make a copy of the OS/2 Installation Diskette. The Installation Diskette is different depending on what type of install process is chosen (i.e, CID INSTALL, WARP CONNECT, or CDROM).

Type DISKCOPY A: A: and press ENTER.
Remove and insert diskettes when prompted to do so.

2. Delete the SF83900.BIO or SF8B000.BIO and ABIOS.SYS files from the copy of the Installation Diskette. (SF83900.BIO for 6886/6876 and SF8B000.BIO for 9576/77)

3. Copy the SF83900.BIO or SF8B000.BIO and ABIOS.SYS files from the Reference Diskette to the copy of the Installation Diskette.

This Installation Diskette copy is now system-specific. A modified Installation Diskette will need to be created for each type of system OS/2 will be installed.

4. Use this copy of the diskette during the installation process.

5. Begin the installation of the system by inserting the copy of the Installation Diskette and reboot the system.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Retain, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 730, PC 750, PS/2

Machine Type

6876, 6886, 9576, 9577




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