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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ABJV4

IBM PC330/PC350 - 3278/79 emulation adapter problems

Applicable to: World-Wide

Problem :
When a customer installs a 3278/3279 emulation adapter on a PC300 P75/90 system and tries to run the diagnostics program that comes with the adapter, a "2810 S" error is posted on screen.

Problem Analysis :
The 3278/3279 adapter requires specific system resources to operate correctly. The following system resources must be available to the adapter:

- Hardware Interrupt IRQ-2
- An 8-KB memory page. The default memory address is x'CE00'

The 6576/6586 system's default configuration reserves the CE00 address for system ROM Shadow. A memory conflict occurs at this address when the 3278/3279 adapter is installed. This happens because the adapter requires the same address.

The 3278/3279 Guide to Operation manual does not clearly specify the system resource requirements (IRQ2 and memory address CE00). There is nothing mentioned to trigger the customer's attention to check the system resources and change them when required. A new section has been added to the new 3278/3279 Guide to Operation manual which identifies the adapter requirements.

Fix :
To fix the "2810 S" error, the memory address at CE00 must be available to the 3278/3279 adapter. The following is the procedure to do so:

- Go to the Configuration/Setup utility by pressing F1 when the system is booting.
- Select Advance Setup
- Select ROM Shadowing
- Disable the ROM Shadowing CC000h-CFFFFh area
- Exit/Save the current configuration and re-boot the system.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

3270 Emulation, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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