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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-382DPG

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP General - Preload backup for all mobiles from Oct'94 onwards

Applicable to: EMEA

Service Information:

M/T Model Country P/N
2610 ThinkPad 340CSE N/A 34H2273

2620 ThinkPad 360CSE UK 24H0503
France 24H0512
Germany 24H0517
DOS/Windows and OS/2 Italy 24H0522
preloads are on the same Spain 24H0527
CD for this model. Sweden 24H0532
Finland 24H0537
Holland 24H0542
Denmark 24H0547
Norway 24H0552
Portugal 24H0557
US 24H0577
Belgium 24H0562
SwissFr 24H0567
SwissGe 24H0572

2630 ThinkPad 701C/CS UK 24H0890
France 24H0895
Preload content is Germany 24H0900
DOS/Windows. Italy 24H0905
Spain 24H0910
Sweden 24H0915
Finland 24H0920
Holland 24H0925
Denmark 24H0930
Norway 24H0935
Portugal 24H0940
EMEA 24H0960
Belgium 24H0945
SwissFr 24H0950
SwissGe 24H0955

9545 ThinkPad 755CD UK 24H0690
France 24H0695
Preload content is Germany 24H0700
DOS/Windows. Italy 24H0705
Spain 24H0710
Sweden 24H0715
Finland 24H0720
Holland 24H0725
Denmark 24H0730
Norway 24H0735
Portugal 24H0740
US 24H0745
Belgium 24H0750
SwissFr 24H0755
SwissGe 24H0760
UK 34H3228
Backup Version 2.0 Denmark 34H3232
Backup Version 2.0

9545 ThinkPad 755CE UK 24H0615
France 24H0620
Preload content is Germany 24H0625
DOS/Windows & OS/2 Italy 24H0630
Spain 24H0635
Sweden 24H0640
Finland 24H0645
Holland 24H0650
Denmark 24H0655
Norway 24H0660
Portugal 24H0665
USA 24H0670
Belgium 24H0675
SwissFr 24H0680
SwissGe 24H0685

Search Keywords

Hint Category

General Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 340, ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 701, ThinkPad 755CE/CSE, ThinkPad 755CD

Machine Type

2610, 2620, 2630, 9545




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes