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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-38ZJUV

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Server95/500 - VPD Loop, Error Code 187, 188, Continuous Loops

Applicable to: World-Wide

On an 8641, 9595 or 9595A, one or more of the following errors appear after a boot to the Reference Diskette to set a feature or change an option:

1. "01299000 VPD error; processor board replaced?"
2. "Processor board serial number does not match the serial number stored."
3. "000188XX Vital Product data error."
4. "000187XX Vital Product data. Serial number information corrupted."

The error codes indicate "Processor complex has changed," "VPD invalid," and "Configuration invalid."

All attempts to correct the VPD data cause the system to reboot with the same series of errors, repeatedly.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The system is a 9595 (Server 95) or 8641 (Server 500) which uses the Type 4 Reference Diskette, at or below Version 1.33.

Changing the system board does not correct the problem.

1. Automatic Configuration is run without success.
2. Attempts to select "SET SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION" from the Reference Diskette and enter the system serial number are also unsuccessful.

Do not change either the system board or the processor card to correct this error.
There are two methods which will resolve this problem:

a. A new Reference Diskette is now available which will interrupt the VPD-Boot loop and allow correct configuration. The new Type 4 Reference Diskette is Version 1.34 (rf90954a).

b. A manual configuration work-around.
With either method, once the VPD configuration loop is broken and the the system is correctly configured, the VPD problem cannot recur. The following work-around should resolve this situation if the newer Reference Diskette is not available:

1. Remove the battery for 10 minutes to drain CMOS, also remove the SCSI adapter and/or RAID adapter.
2. Reinstall the battery, but not the SCSI or RAID adapter.
3. Boot to a Reference Diskette and you should receive the following messages:

00017300 Configuration not valid or system complex error.
00016300 The date and time are not set.

4. ----- DO NOT press ENTER at the following message:-----

"Warning: The system had an error in the battery powered configuration data. Press Enter to attempt to restore the configuration and continue using the system. If the configuration cannot be restored or Esc is pressed, additional information will be displayed and automatic configuration will be run. ENTER Esc=Cancel"

---- Important have the customer press <Esc>.----

5. Now you will receive another message:

"Warning: If you do not restore the configuration now, the system identification information will be lost. Press Enter to attempt to restore the configuration."

---- Important. Have the customer press <Esc> again. ----

6. You will receive another message:

"System identification information has been lost."


If the customer's prompts don't follow the above situation exactly, just have them keep pressing <Esc> whenever they can and <Enter> when it's the only choice.

7. After Auto-Configuration completes, reboot the system using the Reference Diskette to verify errors are corrected.

8. Power down and reinstall the SCSI and/or RAID adapter.

9. Boot the Reference diskette. You will receive an 00016500 Configuration error.

---- Important, DO NOT run Auto-Configuration this time. ----

10. Boot Reference Diskette to Main Menu, select "Set Configuration." Next, select "Change Configuration." Make any configuration changes needed, also verify there are no configuration conflicts. (Look for asterisks beside the entries in the View Configuration/Change Configuration screen.

11. Press F10 to save the configuration.

12. Follow the prompts to Exit, remove the Reference Diskette and reboot the system.

13. The system should now boot to customer's operating system without error.

The SCSI Adapter or RAID Array controller will not auto configure out of this conflict.

188 1299 00129900 00018800
00018700 SERIAL NUMBER 129

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Retain, Processors

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500, Server 95

Machine Type

9595, 8641



Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes