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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3JKC87

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC350 - LA 6587 base models

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
Cross Reference Table LA models

Name GAL / GAM 9Z9 / 9ZB 9A9 / 9AB
Type 6587 6587 6587
Processor P54C P54C P54C
*Speed 200 MHz. 66/166 MHz. 66/133 MHz.
Slots (ISA/PCI) 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2
Bays (Total/Open) 5/3 5/2 5/3
Memory 60 Ns
-Non-Parity/Tin Lead
* Std/Max (MB) 32/192 16/192 16/192
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
* Cache (I/E/M) 16/256/512 16/256/512 16/256/512
Hardfile (S/M) 1.6 GB/6.4 GB 1.6 GB/6.4 GB 1.6 GB/6.4 GB
CD-ROM not 4X not
Diskette Drives 3.5" 3.5" 3.5"
Mechanical Pkg. 5x5 5x5 5x5
*Power Supply (W) 200 W 200 W 200 W
Video S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 +
* Video DRAM (I/M) 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
*Max Res. (1) 1600x1200 1600x1200 1600x1200
*Colors 256 256 256
Operating System 2 2 2

(1) Max. Res. with 2 MB of DRAM
(2) Win 95 or IBM PC DOS 7.0 / Win 3.1 Customer Choice is made during setup
*-Memory must be installed in matched pairs

Name 7Z9 / 7ZB 7A9 / 7AB 799 / 79B
Type 6587 6587 6587
Processor P54C P54C P54C
*Speed 66/133 MHz. 66/133 MHz. 66/133 MHz.
Slots (ISA/PCI) 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2
Bays (Total/Open) 5/2 5/3 5/2
-Non-Parity/Tin Lead
* Std/Max (S/M) 16/192 16/192 16/192
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
* Cache (I/E/M) 16/256/512 16/256/512 16/256/512
Hardfile (S/M) 1.6 GB/6.4 GB 1.6 GB/6.4 GB 1.2 GB/6.4 GB
CD-ROM 4X not not
Diskette Drives 3.5" 3.5" 3.5"
Mechanical Pkg. 5x5 5x5 5x5
*Power Supply (W) 200 W 200 W 200 W
Video S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 +
* Video DRAM (I/M) 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
*Max Res. (1) 1600x1200 1600x1200 1600x1200
*Colors 256 256 256
Operating System 2 2 2

(1) Max. Res. with 2 MB of DRAM
(2) Win 95 or IBM PC DOS 7.0 / Win 3.1 Customer Choice is made during setup
*-Memory must be installed in matched pairs

Name 701 / 703 599 / 59B 598 / 59A
Type 6587 6587 6587
Processor P54C P54C P54C
*Speed 66/133 MHz. 60/100 MHz. 60/100 MHz.
Slots (ISA/PCI) 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2 5/0-4/1-3/2
Bays (Total/Open) 5/4 5/3 5/3
-Non-Parity/Tin Lead
* Std/Max (MB) 16/192 16/192 8/192
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
* Cache (I/E/M) 16/256/512 16/256/512 16/256/512
Hardfile (S/M) 0/6.4 GB 1.2 GB/6.4 GB 1.2 GB/6.4 GB
Diskette Drives 3.5" 3.5" 3.5"
Mechanical Pkg. 5x5 5x5 5x5
*Power Supply (W) 200 W 200 W 200 W
Video S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 + S3 TRIO 64 +
* Video DRAM (I/M) 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB 1MB/2MB
* Open Sockets 2 2 2
*Max Res. (1) 1600x1200 1600x1200 1600x1200
*Colors 256 256 256
Operating System 2 2

1. Max. Res. with 2 MB of DRAM
2. Win 95 or IBM PC DOS 7.0 / Win 3.1 Customer Choice is made during setup
*-Memory must be installed in matched pairs

Name 501 / 503
Type 6587
Processor P54C
*Speed 60/100 MHz.
Slots (ISA/PCI) 3/0-2/1-1/2
Bays (Total/Open) 3/2
-Non-Parity/Tin Lead
* Std/Max (MB) 16/192
* Open Sockets 2
* Cache (I/E/M) 16/256/512
Hardfile (MB) 0/6.4 GB
Diskette Drives 3.5"
Mechanical Pkg. 3x3
*Power Supply (W) 145 W
Video S3 TRIO 64 +
* Video DRAM (I/M) 1MB/2MB
* Open Sockets 2
*Max Res. (1) 1600x1200
*Colors 256
Operating System

1. Max. Res. with 2 MB of DRAM
*-Memory must be installed in matched pairs

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PC 350

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