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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CGCMS

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PS/2 Server 95 / PC Server 500 - EMC Shield

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information
System board FRU P/N92F2623 is common to both the Server 95 (9595 and 9595A) and the Server 500 (8641). There are 2 unique EMC shields for system board FRU P/N92F2623 and they are not interchangeable between the 9595 and 8641. When replacing the system board, the EMC shield should be transferred from the old system board to the new one.

In the rare instance that a new bracket is required FRU P/N06H3796 is available for the Server 500 (8641).

Due to the low probability that this part will be required by servicers for the 9595, there will be no FRU available through the Mechanicsburg Distribution System.

In the event that an EMC Shield for a 9595 is required by a field servicer, the requirement should be escalated through the Field Service Support Structure for Engineering assistance.

SAS Keywords:
PSY2, SERVER, PSY2PART, 500, 95, D/T9595, D/T8641, PSY2BRD, 92F2623, 06H3796

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Server 95, PC Server 500

Machine Type

9595, 8641



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