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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: BMOE-3Q8JYU

Aptiva - Performing a monitor self test

Applicable to: World-Wide

Performing a Monitor Self Test:
1. In a few instances, there will be a video problem on the system. If the system has video on the display, it is best to look at system settings such as monitor and adapter settings in the operating system and the BIOS. If the settings are correct in software, hardware problems should be examined.

2. Does the monitor show the blue BIOS screen with the IBM logo? If it does not show the proper color or appears to be distorted, the user needs to perform a monitor self test. It should be noted that some viruses will write information on the Blue screen such as happy faces. The clarity of the image is what we are asking about not the actual image content.

3. Once it is determined that there is a possible defect in the video hardware of the graphics system or the monitor, it is time to check to see if the monitor is actually getting power. See if the power LED is on and green. If the monitor is on and the LED is not green but amber, check the cable. If the monitor does not have a green led, check the power setup of the monitor.

4. If the monitor's connections appear to be good and the monitor appears to be working, it is time to do a monitor self test. This monitor self test only works for monitors that support a monitor self test. Check the monitor documentation for this information. Two current IBM monitors that support the self test are the G41/G50 (6543-3XX) and the G70 (6544-4XX) monitors. Care must be taken since the self test must be done with the monitor powered on.

G41/G50 Monitor Self Test:
5. With the monitor on, unplug the signal cable from the computer.

6. A white color scan should be shown on the monitor. It will not be a very prominent white scan but will appear as a slight white haze. This shows that the monitor is performing the scan. If there is not a white color scan, the monitor should be checked.

7. If the self test is working, connect the signal cable to the system unit while the system is on to resume proper operation.

G70 Monitor Self Test:
8. With the monitor on, unplug the signal cable from the computer.

9. The self test will display a multi-patterned test pattern. This shows that the monitor is working correctly. If the self test does not show, the monitor needs to be checked.

10. If the self test is working, connect the signal cable to the system unit while the system is on to resume proper operation.

Final Monitor Test:
11. If the user has an extra monitor and system that are known good, it is easy to determine the defective component. A final test is to attach a known good monitor to the system unit to test the system unit or to attach this monitor to a known good system. These procedures will allow a final determination since the problem will follow the bad component.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Display/Monitor, Diagnostics

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IBM Aptiva

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2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2139, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2153, 2156, 2158, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2163, 2168, 2176




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