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Document ID: DETR-3UEPLN |
Aptiva-PS/1 - How can I tell if my additional memory is recognized?
Applicable to: United States
If you own a PS/1 Model 2011 or a PS/1 Model 2121, you can run "Change Hardware Configuration" from the IBM DOS quadrant. This menu will display your hardware setup, including your installed memory. The memory amount includes base memory and any extended memory; however, this does not include expanded memory.
If you own a PS/1 Model 2123, DOS 5.0 came pre-loaded onto your system. You can view your installed memory by using the MEM command at the DOS prompt. Note: Look at the "bytes contiguous extended memory" line.
To view installed memory on the PS/1 Models 2133, 2155 and 2168 (except those 2155s pre-installed with OS/2), select the "PS/1 Fitness" icon from the PS/1 Tools Group. Next, choose "System Information" which will list your installed memory. The memory displayed includes base and extended memory, not expanded. Additionally, you may type CONFIGUR at the C:\> prompt and determine how many KB are recognized by the computer. When determining the amount of total RAM recognized for all 486 PS/1 models, use to the following formula:
total RAM in megabytes = (amount listed in Configuration Utility + 384 KB) / 1024
For example, if the Configuration Utility reported 7808 KB as installed, then the total amount of RAM present in the computer would be as follows:
total RAM in megabytes = (7808 KB + 384 KB) / 1024 = 8192 KB / 1024 = 8 MB
With ALL models, you can watch the memory count in the top left hand corner of the screen upon boot-up to verify the amount of recognized memory on your system.
Search Keywords |
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Hint Category |
Memory | |
Date Created |
23-04-96 | |
Last Updated |
19-05-98 | |
Revision Date |
12-05-2004 | |
Brand |
IBM Aptiva | |
Product Family |
Aptiva, PS/1 | |
Machine Type |
2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176, 2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155 | |
Model |
6R6; C21; C31; C32; 6R9; F31; C6D; 8R6; 8R9; 9R4; 6R8; 7R1; 7R3; 7R6; 7R7; 7R9; 7RO; 8R1; 8R8; 9R2; 9R3; C23; C33; C35; C55; C56; C65; C66; C67; C6V; C6Y; C6Z; C73; C76; C77; F23; F33; F35; F67; 5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; C01; C34; M01; NEA; T35; U35; A62; A82; B82; C42; C92; G42; M82; S92; 081; 087; 131; 137; K37; N31; N81; 11E; 13T; 14C; 16E; 17A; 18A; 18T; 19C; 21C; 23C; 28A; 46M; 51D; D50; G11; G13; G43; G46; G49; G50; G53; M46; P11; P13; P43; P50; P53; R04; R05; R06; R09; R38; R42; R43; R44; R84; R86; R87; RO3; S11; S13; S43; S45; S47; S48; S50; S53; W11; W13; W42; W43; W45; W50; W53; 20E; 22T; 24C; 24M; 28V; 39E; 41T; 43C; 45V; 48E; 50T; 52C; 55V; 72E; 74T; 76C; 78C; 79C; 81A; 82E; 84T; 86C; 87C; CC1; D53; G14; G44; G52; G54; G72; G76; G78; G82; NM1; P14; P44; P57; P71; P74; P76; P78; P84; R14; R15; R16; R17; R18; R51; R52; R57; R58; R62; R63; R67; R71; R89; R93; R96; R97; S14; S44; S54; S70; S75; S76; S78; S80; W14; W44; W48; W54; W67; W76; W77; W78; Z33; 31E; 33T; 37C; 38C; 51E; 54T; 56C; 57C; 88V; BB1; G57; G87; OR1; OR3; OR4; OR5; P89; R28; R29; R31; R74; R78; R82; R98; S55; S85; SR1; US1; W52; W82; S64; S66; S74; S7H; 13R; 14R; 15R; 16R; 19R; 20R; 2R3; S15 | |
TypeModel |
21346R6; 2134C21; 2176C31; 2176C32; 21766R9; 2176F31; 2176C6D; 21768R6; 21768R9; 21769R4; 21766R8; 21767R1; 21767R3; 21767R6; 21767R7; 21767R9; 21767RO; 21768R1; 21768R8; 21769R2; 21769R3; 2176C23; 2176C33; 2176C35; 2176C55; 2176C56; 2176C65; 2176C66; 2176C67; 2176C6V; 2176C6Y; 2176C6Z; 2176C73; 2176C76; 2176C77; 2176F23; 2176F33; 2176F35; 2176F67; 21685R5; 2168M91; 21442R5; 21442R7; 21442R8; 2144M30; 2144M35; 2144M50; 21682R6; 21684R7; 21684R8; 2168M40; 2168M54; 2168M58; 21683R0; 21683R8; 2168M60; 2168M70; 21443R4; 21443R6; 21444R1; 21444R9; 2144M31; 2144M51; 2144M52; 2144M63; 21682R9; 21683R1; 21683R3; 21683R5; 21683R7; 21683R9; 21684R0; 21684R2; 21684R3; 2168M41; 2168M53; 2168M55; 2168M56; 2168M57; 2168M61; 2168M62; 2168M71; 2168M72; 21445R1; 21446R3; 2144A10; 2144A12; 2144A14; 21685R2; 21685R3; 21685R6; 21685R8; 21685R9; 21686R0; 21686R4; 21686R5; 2168A15; 2168A40; 2168A44; 2168A45; 2168A50; 2168A51; 2168A52; 2168A90; 2168A92; 2168A94; 21681R2; 216866P; 216867P; 216886P; 2168OR8; 21441R1; 21441R3; 21441R5; 214422P; 214424P; 214425P; 214427P; 214429P; 214463P; 214467P; 214482P; 214483P; 2144OR6; 2144OR7; 2144OR9; 21681R0; 21681R1; 216826P; 216862P; 21442R0; 2144P30; 2011C01; 2011C34; 2011M01; 2011NEA; 2011T35; 2011U35; 2121A62; 2121A82; 2121A94; 2121B82; 2121C42; 2121C92; 2121G42; 2121M82; 2121S92; 2123081; 2123087; 2123131; 2123137; 2123K37; 2123N31; 2123N81; 213311E; 213313T; 213314C; 213316E; 213317A; 213318A; 213318T; 213319C; 213321C; 213323C; 213328A; 213346M; 213351D; 2133D50; 2133G11; 2133G13; 2133G43; 2133G46; 2133G49; 2133G50; 2133G53; 2133M40; 2133M46; 2133P11; 2133P13; 2133P43; 2133P50; 2133P53; 2133R04; 2133R05; 2133R06; 2133R09; 2133R38; 2133R42; 2133R43; 2133R44; 2133R84; 2133R86; 2133R87; 2133RO3; 2133S11; 2133S13; 2133S43; 2133S45; 2133S47; 2133S48; 2133S50; 2133S53; 2133W11; 2133W13; 2133W42; 2133W43; 2133W45; 2133W50; 2133W53; 215520E; 215522T; 215524C; 215524M; 215528V; 215539E; 215541T; 215543C; 215545V; 215548E; 215550T; 215552C; 215555V; 215572E; 215574T; 215576C; 215578C; 215579C; 215581A; 215582E; 215584T; 215586C; 215587C; 2155CC1; 2155D53; 2155G14; 2155G44; 2155G52; 2155G54; 2155G72; 2155G76; 2155G78; 2155G82; 2155NM1; 2155P14; 2155P44; 2155P57; 2155P71; 2155P74; 2155P76; 2155P78; 2155P84; 2155R14; 2155R15; 2155R16; 2155R17; 2155R18; 2155R51; 2155R52; 2155R57; 2155R58; 2155R62; 2155R63; 2155R67; 2155R71; 2155R89; 2155R93; 2155R96; 2155R97; 2155S14; 2155S44; 2155S50; 2155S54; 2155S70; 2155S75; 2155S76; 2155S78; 2155S80; 2155W14; 2155W44; 2155W48; 2155W54; 2155W67; 2155W76; 2155W77; 2155W78; 2155Z33; 216828V; 216831E; 216833T; 216837C; 216838C; 216851E; 216854T; 216856C; 216857C; 216888V; 2168BB1; 2168G57; 2168G87; 2168OR1; 2168OR3; 2168OR4; 2168OR5; 2168P89; 2168R28; 2168R29; 2168R31; 2168R74; 2168R78; 2168R82; 2168R98; 2168S55; 2168S85; 2168SR1; 2168US1; 2168W52; 2168W82; 2159S64; 2159S66; 2159S74; 2159S7H; 2159S78; 215913R; 215914R; 215915R; 215916R; 215919R; 215920R; 21442R3; 2144S15 | |
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