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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-444MG8

Aptiva - Warning message received in Microsoft Sound Recorder

Applicable to: Norway

This article applies to the 2139, 2158, 2163, and 2164 systems sold in Finland.

Problem Description:
When invoking the Microsoft Sound Recorder program, a warning message may be received that states, "The properties for sound recording have been changed by another program. It is possible that sound recording does not work properly. Click YES if you want to correct this error now. If not click NO."

Click YES and the error will go away and will not be seen again unless a system recovery is performed. Click NO and the same error will be displayed each time sound recorder is invoked, however, the sound recorder will function normally.

Root Cause:
This is a limitation of Windows 98.

Search Keywords

Document Category

Entertainment Software, Audio, Error Messages

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2139, 2153, 2158, 2163, 2164


E4Z; E2Z; 242; 252; 272; 282; 125; 225; 235; 226; 236; 245; 255; 265; 275; 502; 503; 512; 513; 542; 552; 572; 582; 54Z; 55Z; 56Z; 702; 732; 734; 736


Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes