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Document ID: DDSE-3U3QQ9

PCServer8595/9585/9595/500 - Installing SCO on Micro Channel Non-RAID machines

Applicable to: World-Wide

PS/2 Server 8595, 9585, and 9595
PC Server 500

Model Type
All PS/2 Server 8595s, 9585s and 9595s
All PC Server 500s

Micro Channel

Drive Interface
IBM SCSI-1 Cached adapter /A
On-board IBM SCSI-1 Cached controller
IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter /A
On-board IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide controller

For Type 4 Micro Channel systems (server 95s and 500s), it is recommended to flash the system BIOS to 05 or higher as well as updating the IML with the latest reference and diagnostic diskettes. Also, make sure the IBM SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapter has "Internal / External Bus Mode" set to combined. The BIOS flash, reference, and diagnostic diskettes can be located on the IBM BBS (919-517-0001), anonymous ftp (ftp.pc.ibm.com), and the World Wide Web (http://www.pc.ibm.com).

Unix 3.2 v4.2x and Open Desktop / Server v3.0

Obtain the Support Level Supplement uod429a from the SCO BBS. This replacement N1 disk, located in the "/SLS" directory, contains a new hf driver for the IBM SCSI-1 and SCSI-2 Fast/Wide adapters. The SCO BBS can be accessed through anonymous FTP (ftp.sco.com) or through the World Wide Web (ftp://www.sco.com). Refer to the file uod429a.ltr for further information on this supplement. This file is Unix "Z" compressed and will require a Unix system to uncompress and convert to diskette.

Insert the uod429a replacement N1 diskette into the floppy drive and power on the system. Whenever the installation program prompts for the N1 disk, use the uod429a diskette. Mark the original N1 diskette as obsolete.

At the BOOT: prompt, type the following:
restart Sdsk=hf(0,x,0) Srom=hf(0,x,0) Press Enter.
Where x = scsi-ID of device, Sdsk=boot drive and Srom=cdrom.

Make sure the NUM LOCK key / light is on before selecting the keyboard type, otherwise possible key mis-mapping can occur. If installing Unix 3.2 v4.2 for the first time, always remember to install the Extended Utilities.

For mouse, select "Low Resolution Keyboard Mouse" (two button mouse). For video, it is recommended to select "IBM VGA" to install. This can be changed as necessary through sysadmsh after installation.

During installation, the installation query manager allows you to specify the scsi-ID of the cdrom. If you are installing from cdrom, DO NOT CHANGE THE ID FROM ITS DEFAULT OF 5. The above bootstring will override this setting.

When the installation is complete and the "Safe to Power Off" message is displayed, re-insert the uod429a replacement N1 diskette into the floppy drive and press Enter to reboot.

At the BOOT: prompt, type the following:
fd(64)unix root=hd(40) swap=hd(41) Sdsk=hf(0,x,0) Press Enter.

This will allow the kernel to be loaded from the floppy drive while accessing the root/swap filesystems on the harddrive.

After loading text and data, you may see the following message:
** Invalid Serial Number **

You can safely ignore this message.

At the prompt to press CONTROL-D to proceed with normal startup, enter the ROOT password to boot into system maintenance mode.

Leave the uod429a N1 diskette in the floppy drive and type the following at the command prompt:
custom Press Enter.

1. Highlight "Install" and press Enter.
2. Highlight "A New Product" and press Enter.
3. Highlight "Entire Product" and press Enter.
4. When prompted to "Insert distribution Volume 1", simply press Enter.
5. When prompted to "Insert the requested Volume", simply press Enter.
6. Answer "Y" when prompted to re-link the kernel. Answer "Y" to boot the kernel by default. Answer "Y" to rebuild the kernel environment.
7. When finished, "UOD429A for UNIX/ODT" will be listed. Quit and exit.

At the command prompt, remove the uod429a replacement N1 diskette and type the following:
reboot Press Enter.

All done. Store the replacement N1 diskette with the operating system disks/media.

OpenServer v5.00 - v5.0.4

Insert the SCO Open Server BOOT diskette into the floppy drive and power on the system.

Type the following at the BOOT: prompt:
biosgeom restart Sdsk=hf(0,x,0) Press Enter.
Where x = scsi-ID of device and Sdsk = boot drive.

At media selection, select the options (bus, scsi-id, etc) for your system and continue with the installation. If more than one scsi controller is identified, be sure to select the adapter/driver connected to the installation device.

For mouse, select "Low Resolution Keyboard Mouse" (two button mouse). For video, it is recommended to select "IBM VGA" to install. This can be changed as necessary through scoadmin or the video configuration manager after installation.

It is recommended to select "deferred" for the network adapter until the Advanced Hardware Supplement for the operating system can be applied (see the SCO OpenServer Supplements section). This supplement contains updated network drivers and patches. The Advanced Hardware Supplement is already included in SCO OpenServer v5.0.4.

After the installation is complete, remove the BOOT diskette and press Enter to reboot the system.

For OpenServer v5.00 and v5.0.2:
Install Release Supplement D, Networking Supplement 1.0.0, and Advanced Hardware Supplement 5.2 (refer to the SCO OpenServer Supplements section). Install any other supplements as necessary. When complete, the Unix kernel will be re-linked. Shutdown and restart the system for the changes to take affect.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 500, Server 85, Server 95

Machine Type

8641, 9585, 9595, 8595




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