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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39ZGDE

IBM PC330/PC350 - System board appears dead

Applicable to: World-Wide

System board appears dead
Problem Isolation Aids:

The appearance of a dead system board can be the result of flash BIOS corruption. Before replacing a system board, attempt to reinstall the flash code using the following procedure. No video will be available; use the speaker and drive LED to monitor status.

1. Change the flash recovery jumper (RCVR jumper J5J1) to the recovery mode position (jumper pins 1 and 2).

This jumper is numbered as follows:

2 4 6 8
J5J1 | x o o o |
RCVR | x o o o |
1 3 5 7

The first two characters of the jumper title represent the coordinates of the physical location of the jumper on the system board using the grid system. The system board is marked A through K front to rear and 1 through 9 left to right. Jumper J5J1 will be found at the intersection of coordinates J and 5 (1.5" in front of serial port B).

2. Install the flash update diskette into drive A.
3. Turn on the computer. If the flash was corrupted, the system will boot from the diskette. When the system beeps and the floppy drive LED lights, the system is loading the recovery code. As soon as the system beeps twice and the drive LED goes off, the recovery is complete.
4. Turn the system off.
5. Move the flash recover jumper back to the default position (jumper pins 1 and 3).
6. Leave the update diskette in drive A and turn the system on.
7. Continue with a normal flash update installation.

If the system does not respond as described in step 3, continue with normal problem determination.

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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6576, 6586




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