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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3GKLFR

Home and Away Credit Card Adapter - Updating the adapter for Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

Note: This document comes from CARD MODIFICATION Section - Updating the card for Windows 95 of the HAWIN95.TXT file.

Early versions of Windows 95 do not support the advanced multi-function features of the Fax-Modem-Ethernet card, resulting in incorrect installation. To correct this problem, a utility has been provided to modify the Fax-Modem-Ethernet card, enabling Windows 95 to recognize and install it properly.

The modification, if necessary, is Windows 95 specific. After modification, your Fax-Modem-Ethernet card may not be recognized by other operating systems. You should only use the modified version of the card with Windows 95.

If your Fax-Modem-Ethernet card is not recognized by Windows 95 then you need to run the utility.


  1. Shut down your computer and turn it off.
  2. Remove all PCMCIA cards.
  3. Insert the "Fax-Modem-Ethernet Windows 95 Installation Diskette" into drive A:
  4. Turn the computer on.
  5. A menu will appear with the following options.
  6. Press 1 to check the current state of your PC Card.
  7. Press 2 to modify your card information to support Windows 95.
  8. Press 3 to undo the Windows 95 modifications.
  9. Press 9 to exit and reboot.
  10. Choose option 2 to modify the card.
  11. After the modification is complete, the menu will reappear. Choose option 1 to verify that your card is ready for Windows 95.
  12. Remove the diskette and turn your computer off.
  13. Replace the PCMCIA cards removed in step 2.
  14. Reboot Windows 95 and proceed with installation.

You must boot from the diskette.
Do NOT run the utility under Windows.
Do NOT run the utility under a Windows virtual DOS session.

After your card has been modified, it may not be recognized by other operating systems. Please use the modified card ONLY for Windows 95.

The utility can be used at any time to determine the state of your card (option 1) or to UNDO the modification (option 3) for running your Fax-Modem-Ethernet card in operating systems other than Windows 95.

It is likely that future versions of Windows will be able to recognize Multi-Function cards and will not require the modification. Please keep the diskette so you will be able to UNDO the modification if needed for future versions of Windows.

Use the modified card ONLY with Windows 95.
UNDO the modification for other systems.
Keep the utility for future use.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Modems, Networking, Windows 95, PCMCIA (PC Card)

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