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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DETR-3WLHM8

Aptiva - E96, E2N, E5D NDC network kit installation instructions

Applicable to: Canada, United States

This document covers the installation and setup of the following NDC Network Kit products;
NDC is a producer of Network cards, hubs, and sells network starter kits.

1) Network Starter Kit - with 10 Mbps Hub, and 10/100 Mbps cards - Vendor P/N SKE782B

2) Network Starter Kit - with 100 Mbps Hub and 10/100 Mbps cards - Vendor P/N SKF812A


This set of instructions is specific to the following Aptiva machine type / model numbers.


The Guide to Networking your Aptiva


1. Installing the Network Card in your system
2. Installing the Network Card Device Drivers
3. Configuring Network settings
4. Verifying that both computers can be seen on the Network
5. Sharing Files
6. Sharing Printers

The purpose of setting up a network is to be able to share files and printers. This Network Starter Kit will provide you with the hardware to do so.

This kit contains 2 network interface cards, 2 network interface cables, a 5 port Ethernet hub, and a device drivers diskette with the proper device drivers to get your 2 personal computers tested.

1. Installing the network cards and Hub

A. Set the 5 port hub up near the 2 computers to be networked. Plug power into the hub.

B. Shut down the computer. Unplug the power cord, remove the outer cover.

C. Locate the PCI slots on the computer's system board. They are white connectors approximately 3.5 inches long. When inserting the Ethernet card push firmly until card is firmly seated.

D. Connect the one end of the Ethernet cable into the back of the Ethernet card, and the other end into
One of the numbered sockets on the hub.

E. Replace the cover on your computer and plug the power cord back into the computer. Proceed to step 2,
"installing device drivers".

2. Installing the Device Driver Software

A. Windows 98 will automatically detect your new PCI Ethernet card on the first power on after card
Installation. The "Add New Hardware Wizard" dialog box will then appear with the text "A device driver is a software program
that makes a hardware device work."
Insert the diskette that came with your NDC Kit into the floppy drive.
Click "Next"

B. An "Add New Hardware Wizard" dialog box will come up.
Highlight the button next to "Search for the best driver for your device (recommended). Click the "Next" button.

C. An "Add New Hardware Wizard" dialog box will come up stating:
"Windows will search for new drivers in its driver database on your hard drive, and in any of the following selected locations;"
Click the box next to "Floppy Disk Drives"
Click the box next to "Specify Location"
type a:\win95 in the white text box.
Click "Next" button.

D. An "Add New Hardware Wizard" dialog box will come up.
"Windows driver file search for the device NDC 10/100 fast Ethernet PCI Adapter (MX-A)
Click the "Next" button.

E. A "DHCP Client" dialog box will come up;
"Your computer was unable to reach a special network server (DHCP). Only local network connectivity may be present.
Do you want to see further messages relating to network configuration ?"
Click "NO"

F. An "Add New hardware Wizard" box will come up.
"NDC 10/100 Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter (MX-A)"
"Windows has finished installing the software that your new hardware device requires"
Click "Finish"

G. Restart your computer now

3. To set the computer up to be seen on the Network

A. From the "Start" button, Click "Start", "Settings", "Control Panel". Locate the "Network" icon
and double click on it.

B. This will bring up a window titled "Network". Make sure you are on the tab labelled "Configuration".
Click on the "Add" button in the center of this box.

C. This will bring up a window labelled "Select Network Component"

D. Click on the word "protocol" to highlight. Click "Add". This will bring up a window labelled "Select Network Protocol"

E. In the white box under Manufacturers, Click to highlight "Microsoft"
In the white box under "Network Protocols", scroll down, click to highlight "NetBEUI". Click "OK"

F. This will bring return you to the window titled "Network"

G. Click the "Add" button again.

H. Click on the word "protocol" to highlight. Click "Add". This will bring up a window labelled "Select Network Protocol"

I. In the white box under Manufacturers, Click to highlight "Microsoft"
In the white box under "Network Protocols", scroll down, click to highlight "IPX/SPX- Compatible protocol ". Click "OK"

J. This will take you back to the "Network" box with 3 tabs, "Configuration",
"Identification", and "Access Control".

K. In the center of the box will be a button labelled "File and Print" sharing. Click on that button.
This brings up a dialog box with the following statements;
I want to be able to give others access to my files.
I want to be able to allow others to print to my printer(s).
Make sure that the boxes next to both of these statements have a checkmark in them, then click the "OK button.
This takes you back to the "Network" dialog box.

L. Take your mouse and click on the word "Identification" in this box. This is where you set up the way your
Computer will be seen on the network.
In the white text box next to "Computer name" type in a name that will be unique to that computer.
In the white text box next to "Workgroup" type the name that is common to all of the computers to be seen
On the Network. Click "OK" at the bottom of that dialog box.

Note: There may be a version conflict message for the file secur32.dll if Internet Explorer has been installed.
When prompted, Click "Yes" to keep current version.

M. The system will then prompt you to restart your computer. Restart Now
When the computer restarts a dialog box will come up labelled "Enter Windows Password". You must enter a username, and password to enable Windows 98 Networking. Enter a username and password. Click "OK"
A box will come up to have you enter your password again to confirm. Enter the password again. Click "OK"

Be sure to remember your password since you will need it everytime you boot to use the network.

It is suggested at this time that you install the other network card into the other computer to be networked, and follow the correct process to install the drivers, set up file and printer sharing, identify the computer on the network, and create Windows Logon names.

Double click on the "Network Neighborhood" from your desktop. This will display all of the computers that are powered up, and logged on to that workgroup at that time.

4. How to set up files to be shared between computers

A. From the desktop, double-click on the "My Computer" icon. Double Click on the hardfile icon "C:\"
Using the right mouse button to click on a folder that contains information to shared.

B. This will bring up a gray dropdown menu with several options, move the mouse curser
down the list until "sharing" is highlighted. Click on sharing.

C. This will bring up a properties dialog box with the name of the folder.
Click the radio button next to "shared as". You can either accept the default, or rename it.

D. Click the "Apply" button on the bottom of the dialog box. Click the "OK" button at the bottom of the dialog box.

5. To Verify that file Sharing is enabled

A. Go to the other machine on the network. Double click on "Network Neighborhood"

B. This will bring up a window which should have the names of both machines.
Double Click on the icon for the target machine with the shared folder.
This will bring up a window with all folders that are shared.

6. Setting Up Printer Sharing

The following section makes the assumption that one of the systems to be networked
already has a printer set up as a local printer directly attached.

The first steps are done on the system with the printer directly attached..

A. On the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen; Click "Start", "Settings", "Printers".

B. This will bring up the "Printers" window. Locate the icon for the installed printer.
With the right button on the mouse, click on the Printer Name. This will create a popup menu.
Move the mouse to highlight "Sharing" and click.

C. This will bring up a window for the "Printer Properties". Click the radio button next to "shared as".
Accept the printer name default, or rename. Click the "Apply" button. Click the "OK" button

This system / printer has now been set up to allow access from another computer that is
logged onto the workgroup.

The next step is to go to the machine without the printer attached and get access to the shared printer.

D. On the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen; Click "Start", "Settings", "Printers".
Double Click on "Add Printer". This brings up the "Add Printer" dialog box. Click "Next"
Click "Network Printer"
Click "Next"

E. This will bring up another "Add Printer Wizard" Dialog Box.
There will be a statement in this box "Network Path or queue name" with a blank white text box
Click on the "Browse" button below the text box.
This will bring up a "Browse for Printer" box with all of the system names listed with a printer attached
Click on the "+" next to the system with the printer to be used.
This will display the printer name below the system.
Click on the printer name to highlight.
Click "OK"

F. This will return you to the "Add Printer Wizard" box, and have the network path statement in the white text box.
Click the "Next" button
The printer name will now appear in the text box.
In the statement below it will ask "Do you want your windows based programs to use this printer as the default printer"
Click "Yes" if that is preferred.
Click the "Next" button
Click "Finish" and print the test page.

Your systems should now be set up to do Peer to Peer Networking with Windows 98 using the File and Printer sharing capabilities.

When Clicking the "Network Neighborhood" icon to see all of the computers networked there may be a short delay in all of the computer names being displayed. This is not uncommon. Simply wait a minute and the menu bar and click "View" then click "Refresh".

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Networking, Software Installation/Configuration, Hardware Installation/Configuration

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2138, 2139, 2153


E2N; E5D; E96


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and Admin Purposes