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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: CPES-3AAP42

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 560 - Base models (LA)

Applicable to: LA

Service Information:
Cross Reference Table LA models

ThinkPad 560
Spanish / Portuguese
Name FHE / FQE EHA / EQA 5HA / 5QA
Type 2640 2640 2640
Processor Pentium Pentium Pentium
*Speed 133 MHz. 120 MHz. 100 MHz.
Slots (PCMCIA T-III/ 1 or 2 or 2 1 or 2 or 2 1 or 2 or 2
Memory EDO SO
DIMM 3.3 V (1)
* Std/Max (MB) 8/40 8/40 8/40
* Open Sockets 1 1 1
Hardfile 1.08 GB 810 MB 810 MB
Diskette Drives (std 3.5" external 3.5" external 3.5" external
Power Supply Li-Ion Battery Li-Ion Battery Li-Ion Battery
Video (svga) (2) 12.1" TFT 12.1" TFT 11.3 DSTN
*Max Res. 1024x768 1024x768 1024x768
*Colors 64K 64K 256
Audio (3)
*16-bit stereo Built-in Built-in Built-in
*Microphone Built-in Built-in Built-in
*Speakers Built-in Built-in Built-in
*Infrared IRDA 1.0 IRDA 1.0 IRDA 1.0
*Transfer mode (HP) 9600 bps-115 Kbps 9600 bps-115 Kbps 9600 bps-115 Kbps
Operating System Win 95 Win 95 Win 95

(1) This is a new 64 bit type of memory and cannot be used with PREVIOUSLY announced 365, 755 or 760
(2) External monitor resolution may change. These resolutions denote "virtual screen mode"
(3) Sound Blaster Pro-compatible. Equipped with jacks for external devices and volume control
*- Non-parity memory options or equivalent can be used

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 560

Machine Type





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