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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NC7VU

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TP 350/C - Battery Life Improvements

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The Thinkpad 350/350C has various Power Management Modes that the customer can select and customise to his/her own individual requirements. The default setting for Power Management is "High Performance" Mode but the customer can also select "Medium", "Battery Server" or "Custom" Mode.The Thinkpad 350/350C Userd Guide which comes with each system unit provides detailed information on all aspects of Power Management within Chapter 3 "Manageing Power to your Computer".

One of the areas where power can be saved is where a PCMCIA card is installed but the card is not actually being used. The PCMCIA Power option in the Configuration utility should be set to the "Off" position. Press FN-F1 to enter the setup utility of the system. Look for the PCMCIA power heading and use the left and right arrow keys to toggle PCMCIA Powr on and off. If PCMCIA cards are not being used, turn the PCMCIA slots to off.

If the Power Mgmt features do not produce an increased battery life this may indicate a problem with the Planar and / or the battery. One area that can affect Battery life is where the contact area between the Planar Terminals and the Battery Terminals is not clean which could give a low battery voltage reading to the system unit.The terminals can be cleaned using Isopropyl Alcohol to resolve this problem. To clean the contacts, lightly dampen a cotton swab with Isoproply Alcohol and rub the contacts on the system board, but do not bend the contacts. In order to ensure a good contact between the battery and system board contacts, pads may be added to the battery compartment door. It might not be necessary to add an additional pad to the non-contact end of the battery to provide better contact tension. If the existing battery pack is hard to remove or fits tightly, the additional battery pad is not required. (FRU P/N 92G9418 Battery Pads). The battery pack is fully charged when the computer is connected to AC Power and the charging light goes off.


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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 350

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