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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3JRQYW

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TP 310,315 - CD-ROM Drive Test

Applicable to: World-Wide

CD-ROM Drive Test
Do the following to isolate the problem to a controller, drive, or CD-ROM. Make sure that the CD-ROM does not have a label attached to it. The label can cause damage to the drive or can cause the drive to fail. Do the following to select the test device:
1. Boot from the diagnostics diskette and start the PQA program (please refer to "Running PQA Diagnostics Program" on
page 30 of the HMM).
2. Go to the diagnostic CD-ROM in the test items.
3. Press F2 in the test items.
4. Follow the instructions in the message window. If an error occurs, reseat the connector on the system board. If the error still
- Reseat the CD-ROM cable.
- Replace the CD-ROM drive.
- Replace the system board.

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Hint Category

CD-ROM Drives, Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 310, ThinkPad 315

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