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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3L4KG9

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

PCServer330 - Wal-Mart Configuration

Applicable to: United States

Technical Specifications:

PC Server 330

1 X 8640-ES2

ServeRAID Adapter

1 X 70G8489


1 X 94G7492


4 X 94G6473

IBM 10/100 Ethernet Adapter

1 X 01L1471

4/10GB Tape Drive

1 X 02K3399

G41 Monitor

1 X 6540-00N

4-Drop F/W SCSI Cable

1 X 60H7826

8-16 Bit SCSI Converter

1 X 32G3925

BIOS level


ServeRAID BIOS level


ServeRAID Firmware level


The single 9.1GB drive has been defined as a single RAID 0 array. This has then been logically partitioned into two logical drives. The first drive is 2000 MB and the second is the remainder (6768 MB). Both logical drives were initialized prior to installing any operating system. The backplane is connected to the second (middle) port of the ServeRAID adapter. The configuration of this adapter is default except for the data transfer rate which was changed to 20MB/sec. The drive is installed in Hot-Swap Bay 2. The ServeRAID adapter is installed in slot 1. The 10/100 adapter is installed in slot 3. The tape drive is connected to the onboard SCSI adapter (position 4 on the 330 system diagram) via the 4-drop SCSI cable and 8-16 bit SCSI converter. This tape drive is installed in the bottom 3.5" drive bay and is set to SCSI ID 4. The CD-ROM remains the last device on the RAID card (default configuration).

Each Wal-Mart store will have two of these servers. The two servers both utilize the onboard ethernet adapter for network connectivity. The 10/100 is for the Vinca mirrored server link. Although Vinca is installed, it is not active and is NOT being used at this time. The current Wal-Mart applications (Telxon and Electronic Journal) have failover built-in and thus Vinca is not needed. It is installed but not configured for use.

Search Keywords

Special Bid, WalMart

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 330

Machine Type





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