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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CMJYQ

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IBM ValuePoint - Type 64xx product description

Applicable to: World-Wide

Product Description:
Type 6472 computers contain three drive bays and three I/O adapter card slots. Type 6482 computers contain five drive bays and five I/O adapter card slots. Type 6484 computers contain five drive bays and four I/O adapter card slots. Type 6492 computers contain six drive bays and eight I/O adapter card slots. Type 6494 computers contain six drive bays and seven I/O adapter card slots.

- Administrator password
- Cover lock
- Hard Disk password
- Power-on password
- U-bolt and cable

System Board (All Type 64XX) Model 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, and 6494:
- 64XX models using the 486SX processor have no math coprocessor. All other 64XX models have a built-in math coprocessor.
- Supports at least 8KB internal cache and up to 256KB external cache.
- RAM is installed directly onto the system board using industry standard, 72-pin, 70 ns parity memory modules. There are four sockets to allow a maximum of 128 MB (4MB, 8MB, 16MB, and 32MB memory modules are supported). Refer to ¿Computer Memory—.
- 1 MB of Video memory (DRAM) is soldered on the system board. Two video DRAM sockets allow a maximum of 2MB of video DRAM.
- Ports include: two serial, one parallel, one keyboard, one mouse, and one video.
- Connectors for AT* riser card (120-pin), VESA ** / PCI (116-pin), input power (12-pin), AT diskette drives (34-pin), Two AT hard disk drive connectors (40-pin each), power LED (2-pin), hard disk LED (2-pin), speaker (2-pin), and video feature (26-pin).
- Lithium battery

Power Supplies (with CPU power switch):
- Type 64XX computers have either a 100W, 200W, or a 250W universal voltage power supply with a fan and a connector for a detachable grounded 3-wire power cord. The power cable has five DASD connectors (one 3.5-inch diskette drive minipower connector, and four standard 4-pin power connectors).

* Trademark of the IBM Corporation.
** Trademark of the Video Electronics Standards Association.

The 250W power supply has an additional PCI riser connector.
When the computer is powered off for 15 seconds or more and then powered on, the power supply generates a ¿power good— signal that resets the computer logic.

- Two signal cables for hard disk drives and one signal cable for diskette drives

Diskette Drives:
- 3.5-inch 1.44MB Slimline diskette drive
- 3.5-inch 2.88MB Slimline diskette drive (optional)
- 5.25-inch 1.2MB diskette drive (optional)

IDE Hard Disk Drives:
Hard disks are 3.5-inch Slimline AT drives
- 170MB with 96/128KB read/write buffer
- 270MB with 96KB read/write buffer
- 340MB with 96/128KB read/write buffer
- 364MB with 96KB read/write buffer
- 527MB with 256KB read/write buffer
- 540MB with 96KB read/write buffer
- 728MB with 96KB read/write buffer

- Enhanced 101- or 102-key keyboard
- 84-key keyboard (optional)
- 122 Host-Connected keyboard (optional)
- TrackPointII (optional) with 1.8 m (6 ft.) cable

- 2-button PS/2 with 1.8 m (6 ft.) cable

Power-On Password:
A power-on password denies access to the computer by an unauthorized user when the computer is powered on. When a power-on password is active, the password prompt appears on the screen each time the computer is powered on. The computer starts after the proper password is entered.

Removing a Power-on Password:
To service a 64XX computer with an active and unknown power-on password, power-off the computer and do the following:
1. Remove the battery for 15 minutes.
2. Reinstall the battery.
3. Power-on the computer. The password is erased from memory.

Remind the user to enter a new password when service is complete.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hardware Maintenance Information

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Product Family


Machine Type

6472, 6482, 6492, 6484, 6494




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