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Document ID: LWIK-3NKGW6

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TP 760C/CD/L/LD/E/ED/EL/ELD - LCD FRU Updates (EMEA Only)

Applicable to: EMEA

Record number: H052870
Device: D/T9546
Model: M
Hit count: EHC00125
Success count: ESC0000
Publication code: PC50
Tip key: 022
Date created: 97/02/11
Date last altered: A97/04/29
Owning B.U.: EMA

Abstract: UPDATE - TP760 LCD FRUS


The following FRUS have been released for the TP760 LCDs, this will help reduce warranty costs.

FRU COVER SET consists of

LCD Rear Cover,Front Bezel
LCD Slide Knob,Rail Guide,Hinges Caps,Logo,screws.

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760CD 9546-CD1/CDW 46H5710 or
for TP760CD 9546-CD2/CD5 46H5711 *
for TP760E/ED 9546-ED9/E1W
for TP760EL 9547-WL4/LP4/L04

* A New 12.1 SVGA LCD has been implemented in Mfg for these models.As a result a different mechanical FRU cover is required for these models. To identify the LCD Assembly look at the P/N label on the the connector that attacheds the LCD to the system.

LCD Mfg P/N 29H9026 would require FRU Cover Set 46H5710
LCD Mfg P/N 73H6599 would require FRU Cover Set 46H5711

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760LD 9547-LD1/WD1/DP1 46H5712
for TP760L 9547-L01/WL1/LP1
for TP760C 9546-C01/951

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760EL 9547-WL2/LP2 46H5713
for TP760EL 9547-X6H

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760ED/E 9546-X9A/X9B 82H8891
for TP760EL 9547-X4G/X4K
for TP760EL 9547-X4T

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760XD 9546-X9E 46H5736

FRU LCD COVER SET for TP760XL 9547-X9C/X9K 11J8868
FRU HINGE SET for TP760CD 9546-CD1/CDW 46H5714
for TP760CD 9546-CD2/CD5
for TP760C 9546-C02/952
for TP760C 9546-C03/953
for TP760C 9546-C04/954

FRU HINGE SET for TP760C 9546-C01/951 46H5715
for TP760LD 9547-LD1/WD1/DP1
for TP760L 9547-L01/WL1/LP1

FRU HINGE SET for TP760EL 9547-WL2/LP2 46H5716

FRU HINGE SET for TP760ED/E 9546-X9A/X9B 82H8892
for TP760EL 9547-X4G/X4K
for TP760EL 9547-X4T

FRU I/F Cable consists of complete cable assembly, LED Cover and Mic Cable

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760CD 9546-CD1/CDW 46H5717 or
for TP760CD 9546-CD2/CD5 46h5718
for TP760C 9546-C02/952
for TP760C 9546-C03/953
for TP760C 9546-C04/954
for TP760EL 9547-WL4/LP4/L04

* A New 12.1 SVGA LCD has been implemented in Mfg for these models.As a result a different I/F Cable FRU cover is required for these models.

To identify the LCD Assembly look at the P/N label on the connector that attaches the LCD to the system.

LCD Mfg P/N 29H9026 would require FRU I/F Cable 46H5717
LCD Mfg P/N 73H6599 would require FRU I/F Cable 46H5718

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760C 9546-C01/951 46H5719

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760LD 9547-LD1/WD1/DP1 46H5720
for TP760L 9547-L01/WL1/LP1

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760EL 9547-WL2/LP2 46H5721

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760E/ED 9546-X9A/X9B 82H8893

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760EL 9547-X4G/X4T 82H8894

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760XD 9546-X9E 46H5737

FRU I/F CABLE for TP760XL 9547-X9C/X9K 11J8870

FRU INVERTER for TP760EL 9547-WL2/LP2 46H5722

FRU INVERTER CARD for TP760ED/E 9546-X9A/X9B 82H5508

FRU INVERTER CARD for TP760EL 9547-X4G/X4T/X4K 82H5509

FRU INVERTER CARD for TP760XL 9547-X9C/X9K 11J9621

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Display/Monitor, Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 760EL/ELD, ThinkPad 760XL, ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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