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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: SCOD-439N9P

Servers - 3447 Tape Library and ArcServe 6.5

Applicable to: World-Wide

ArcServe 6.5 with library option 3 not seeing the 3447 tape library when trying to configure ArcServe.

Problem Islolation aids:

During the initialization mode of the 3447 the tape library cannot be seen by the host(Netfinity Server) and hence cannot be seen by the backup software. It can take 5-10 minutes for the initialization phase to complete if the tape library has a full complement of cartridges. The following information is from the 3447 Tape Library Setup and Operator Guide:

Initialization/Setup Mode
The tape library enters the initialization/setup mode when an operator:

In the initialization mode, the robotics calibrate the system and, unless an interrupt occurs, the tape library then goes into the on-line mode. Press any control key during the initialization mode to enter the setup mode.

In the setup mode the installer can change the tape library setup parameters. For information about changing the setup parameters, see Chapter 6, "Changing the Tape Library Setup" on page 53.

Attention: If you inadvertently enter the setup mode by pressing any one of the control keys during library initialization, do not press the SELECT control key (right key) at any time, as this will alter the setup parameter currently shown on the operator panel. To exit the setup mode without effecting any of the setup parameters, recycle the power (press the power switch off then on) or repeatedly press the MENU control key (left key) until you exit the setup mode.

SCSI communication with the host is not enabled during the initialization/setup mode.

Search Keywords

Tape Drives, Netfinity

Document Category

Tape Drives

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IBM PC Server

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