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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3A5G46

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IBM PC - Front bezel removal procedure

Applicable to: World-Wide

Unsure of best way to remove front bezel panel from a PC 350 or PC 750 system.

Problem Isolation Aids:

The recommended procedure for removing the PC 350 and PC 750 front bezel (FRU P/N 06H1775) from the system base assembly is as follows:-
1. Release the center latch (under 3.5" DASD tray).
2. Release the 2 left side latches while keeping the bottom away from the base assembly.
3. Release the 2 DASD latches (under 5.25" DASD tray) while keeping the bottom and left side of the bezel away from the base assembly.
4. Lift the bezel up from bottom and rotate away from the base assemby. This will prevent damaging three tabs on the bezel above the diskette drive opening.

The bezel is installed by inserting two guide pins, located on the bezel, into the alignment holes on the base assembly and pressing the bezel straight onto the base.

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Hint Category

Hardware Installation/Configuration

Date Created


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Product Family

PC 350, PC 750

Machine Type

6581, 6583, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6885, 6886, 6887




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