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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: COBN-3H3H86

Servers - ServeRAID adapter configuration error

Applicable to: World-Wide

PC Server RAID systems display the following message: "Recoverable configuration error - Start Configuration Program Installation stopped"

Problem Isolation Aids
A ServeRAID adapter FRU p/n06H9334 (Option p/n70G8489) is installed.

Install PC ServeRAID Adapter BIOS/Firmware V2.01 (Codeblk 97070) or later which is available on the IBM BBS/WEB.

The BIOS Version (ie. Ver: 2.0) of the ServeRAID Adapter is displayed, at startup, when the ServeRAID BIOS screen appears.

The Codeblk Revision (ie. Code BK: 97070) of the ServeRAID Adapter may be viewed, at startup, by accessing the Mini- configuration Utility: Press <Ctrl> I at the ServeRAID BIOS prompt and select View Adapter Status. The Miniconfiguration Utility Version (ie. V2.00) which appears in the upper right-hand corner of the screen is simply the version of the Miniconfiguration Utility itself.

The Diskette Version on the diskette (ie. V2.01) is incremented whenever a change is made to the BIOS or Codeblk. Therefore, the Diskette version may not always be the same as the BIOS version.

1. Reboot the Server.
2. At the BIOS Prompt press <CTRL> I.
3. Select "Advanced Functions" from the Menu.
4. Select "Initialize Configuration" from the Menu.
5. Press <Y> when prompted.
6. Reboot the system when prompted.

PSY2, PSY2ERR, PSY2OPER, UNCLASSIFIED, PSY2ADPT, D/T8639, D/T8640, D/T8642, D/T8650, 320, 325, 330, 520, 704, 720

Search Keywords

Hint Category

RAID, Error Messages, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720, ServeRAID

Machine Type

8640, 8639, 8641, 8650, 8642, Various




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