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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3N2LF9

IBM PC Servers/IBM PS/2 - I999xxxx errors on 8590, 8595, 9590 and 9595

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H094855

The information panel displays an I999xxxx error code during POST (Power-On System Test). (xxxx can be any number).

Problem Isolation Aids:
The 8590/95 systems maintain microcode on the default fixed disks. If this information is missing or inaccessible during the IML (Initial Microcode Load) of the fixed disk. The result will be an I9999xxxx error displayed on the information panel and/or display. The system will be inoperative until the error condition is corrected.

The default fixed disk is the drive configured as SCSI Device ID=6, determined by the drive address switches or jumpers. Use "Set Configuration/View Configuration" to verify the default drive SCSI ID

Most I999xxxx errors can be corrected without the hardware replacement. The following steps will correct most I999xxx errors:
1. Insure that the selectable boot sequence is valid
- Power-On password jumper moved? * see note
- Boot the Backup Reference Diskette
- Select " Set Features" from the Main Menu.
- Check the list of devices in the "Set Startup Sequence". Is the default fixed disk listed in the startup sequence?
- Yes: Return to the Main Menu and continue with steps 2 & 3
- No: "Change" and "Save" the startup sequence." to include default Fixed Disk (6,0), then turn off the computer. (The changes are effective at the next Power-On).
- If an I99900xx error occurs again at Power_On, continue with steps 2 & 3.
2. Run diagnostics from the reference diskette.
- Test the default Fixed DIsk and SCSI adapter
- Error Code? If yes, replace the failing FRU.
- OK? - Proceed with step 3.
3. Restore the System Partition.
- Password Jumper? * see note
- Boot the customers reference diskette
- Select "Backup/Restore system programs."
- Select "Restore the System Partition".
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
4. IML to Fixed Disk Successful? Hardware is now functional and customers software should successfully load.
5. Verify that operating system software is installed (DOS, OS/2, etc)
- The operating system must be installed on one of the devices in the startup sequence (Normally Fixed Disk Drive "C" which is SCSI ID =6).

* Note - Password Jumper:
It may be necessary to move the power-on password jumper (J16-8595 or J10 - 8590) to enable an IML to the reference diskette in drive a. Moving this jumper forces the stage 1 POST routine to branch to the diskette, rather than attempt to load stage 2 from the Fixed disk system partition. (A reference diskette must be present in the a: drive) The Stage 2 POST code on the reference diskette is identical to the code loaded onto the system partition, Moving this jumper sets all default values, except ASCII terminal mode. It should be further noted, that moving the Power-On password jumper is effective for only 1 Power-On cycle because stage 1 POST tracks (records) the positon of the jumper each time it is run.

* Note - ASCII Terminal Mode:
If ASCII terminal mode is set (96-8N1, Visible in information panell), the battery voltage must be removed from the planar to reset it. (Slide stiff paper under the battery clip for approx 10 to 15 minutes).

ASCII terminal mode will be automatically set by stage 1 POST if there is no primary video adapter detected (XGA adapter is missing from the system).

The following error codes and corresponding recomended actions, may be encountered by customers/servicers.
The errors listed below may be corrected by restoring the system partition : Refer to step 3 above.

I999001X - No valid disk IML record was found on the Fixed Disk.
I999002X - Disk IML record load (Read) error
I999003X - Disk IML Record Incompatible with Planar
I999004X - Disk IML record incompatible with processor card.
I999005X - Disk IML not attempted
I999006X - Disk stage II image load (Read) error.
I999007X - Disk Stage II Chacksum (Read) Error.

The errors listed below can be corrected by restarting the system using a good system reference diskette.

I99900X1 - Invalid Diskette IML record.
I99900X2 - Diskette IML Record Load (Read) error.
I99900X3 - Diskette IML Record incompatible with planar.
I99900X4 - Diskette IML Record incompatible with processor card.
I99900X6 - Diskette Stage II image Load (Read) Error.
I99900X7 - Diskette Stage II image Checksum Error.

I99900X5 - Diskette IML Recovery prevented (Valid Password and CE Override jumper not set).
Action: Power-Down, Toggle CE override on system planar (J10 on the 8590 & (J16 on the 8595), Power-Up.

I9990301 - No Bootable device.
Action: Restart using a good bootable operating system diskette

I9990302 - Invalid disk boot record.
Action: Restart using good bootable operating system diskette (ie DOS);

I9990303 - System Partition Boot failure.
Action: Using system Backup reference Diskette, restore system partition.

I9990304 - No Bootable device with ASCII console.
Action: Restart the system using bootable operating system diskette.

I9990305 - No bootable device error, restart system w/diskette, check selectable BOOT sequence on system partition

The following errors normally require processor FRU replacement:-

I9990401 - Unauthorised access.
I9990402 - Missing ROM IBM Copyright notice
I9990403 - Non IBM IML routine
I9990600 - IML Overlay Logistics Error
I9990607 - IML Overlay Checksum Error
I9990609 - IML Overlay ID Error

PS/2 IML 96 8N1 96
8NI 968N1 968NI N1
NI 8 D/T9595

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Product Family

PS/2, Server 95

Machine Type

8590, 8595, 9590, 9595




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