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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: PMYS-3MURDW

Aptiva - Windows 95 Help File index error (Canadian-French)

Applicable to: France

Most of the Windows95 help files can not be accessed on the Canadian-French Aptiva preload. If you go to "Demarrer, "Aide", "Sommaire de l'aide-Comment" ("Start", "Help", "Contents"), it will give you a list of available help groups:

-Modification de la configuration de la souris Modifying the configuration of the mouse)
-Introduction a Windows (Introducing Windows)
-Comment (How to)
-Conseils et astuces (Tips & Tricks)
-Depannage (Trouble Shooting).

If you select any topic within the following groups (How to; Tips and Tricks; Trouble shooting) it will do one of two things:

1. It will return the error message "La rubrique n'existe pas. Contactez votre revendeur pour mettre a jour le fichier
d'Aide (129)" <<The index does not exist. Contact the vendor to update the help files (129)>> with an OK button and in the background there will be another window with an English heading "Mouseware Help" but the contents will be in French. You are able to browse within that help topic but can not access the proper help topic.

2. There will be no error message but every topic that it will present will be "Logitech Mouseware Help" (in English) and the contents will be in French. You are able to browse within this help topic but can not access the proper help topic It seems as if #1 will happen if you select any topic in "How to" & "Tips and Tricks" while #2 will happen if you select any topic in "Troubleshooting".

The Windows Help is using the English index with French content for these groups since the French help files that are accessible are fine but the ones that cause the problem have English titles with French content. There is no workaround possible. The help file index must be updated to point to French content.

Solution: A new file is distributed by either the web or BBS. Click here to obtain file . This file will be a new "Windows.cnt" with the mouse statement placed at the end of the file. Once downloaded, this file will need to be placed in the c:\window\help directory.

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Windows 95, Error Messages

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IBM Aptiva

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56S; 58S


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