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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: NAKM-3KMBQR

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IBM ValuePoint - 110 error/run-time error or stack underflow

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following problems have been found on some VP systems. All necessary actions have been taken to fix them, but if you should experience any problems follow the actions detailed below:

Model 6384 - F20/F40/F4H/F5J/F42/F52/F2B/F4A/F4B
1. Character shadow or character bleeding.
2. Stack underflow (due to a floating point calculation error).
3. 110 Errors when 32MB installed.

Model 6384 - M20/M40/M50/M2A/M2B/M4A/M4B/M5A/M5B
1. Character shadow or character bleeding.
2. Three vertical bars on the screen.
3. Stack underflow (due to a floating point calculation error)

Model 6384 - W40/W4A/W4B/W50/W5A/W5B
1. Character shadow or character bleeding.
2. Stack underflow (due to a floating point calculation error)

Problem Isolation Aids:

Should you experience any of the above problems then the following actions should be taken:
The new boards will be available from 26th May 1993.

6384 FXX - Models (25 & 25/50MHZ)
For Systems with i486sx processors, replace the board with FRU P/N 52G8752, this contains manufacturing P/N 52G7038 (clearly marked on the outside of FRU packaging - "Contains P/N 52G7038").
For systems with 486DX2 processors replace the board with FRU P/N 8123841, this contains manufacturing P/N 8125183 (clearly marked on the outside of FRU packaging - "Contains P/N 8125183").

6384 MXX - MODELS (33MHZ)
For systems with 486DX processors replace the board with FRU P/N 52G8780, this contains manufacturing P/N 52G7043 (clearly marked on the outside of FRU packaging - "Contains P/N 52G7043"). Additionally, new FRU P/N released - 60G9712.

6384 WXX - MODELS (33/66MHZ)
For systems with 486DX2 processors replace the board with FRU P/N 52G8770, this contains manufacturing P/N 52G7046 (clearly marked on the outside of FRU packaging - "Contains P/N 52G7046"). Additionally, new FRU P/N RELEASED - 60G9711.

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