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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-46FKJB

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP General - Basic questions to be asked before troubleshooting CoSession Remote 32

Applicable to: World-Wide

  1. What protocol are you trying to connect using? Is this protocol loaded?
  2. Do the computers see each other over the desired protocol? IE - if using TCP/IP, can you ping the computers, if using NetBEUI/NetBIOS or IPX/SPX, can you use Net Diag, and if you are using a modem, can the computers connect over HyperTerminal?
  3. Do the computers have compatible IP addresses, subnet masks and workstations?
  4. Is CoSession Remote loaded on both machines?
  5. Are both machines set up to "talk" to each other over the same protocol?
  6. Is one of the machines in a wait for connect state?
  7. Is the other machine trying to connect, or is it also in a wait for connect state?
  8. If you are tying to connect over a modem, do you have a modem installed on each computer?
  9. Does CoSession see the proper modem on each computer?
  10. Do you have the correct phone number entered into the properties page of the computer that is trying to connect to the computer that is in a wait for connect state?
  11. If you are running an evaluation copy of CoSession Remote, has the evaluation time period expired?

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Software Installation/Configuration

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 310, ThinkPad 315, ThinkPad 380, ThinkPad 380D, ThinkPad 380E, ThinkPad 380ED, ThinkPad 380XD, ThinkPad 380Z, ThinkPad 385D, ThinkPad 385E, ThinkPad 385ED, ThinkPad 385XD, ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad 390E, ThinkPad 560, ThinkPad 560E, ThinkPad 560X, ThinkPad 560Z, ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 600E, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z, ThinkPad i Series 1400, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2600, 2635, 2636, 2626, 2640, 2641, 2645, 2646, 9548, 9549, 9544, 2611, 2627




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