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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3QVQTP

Netfinity EXP10 - 9GB 10K rpm HDD limitation

Applicable to: World-Wide

The Netfinity EXP10, will only support a total of 8 x 9GB 10K rpm HDDs (specifically, part number 01K7968). We will support mixed configurations of these drives (i.e. 4 x 7200rpm +4 x 9GB 10K rpm (01K7968) = 8 drives.... this will be supported). A flyer will be included with this drive option which specifically recommends to the customer that the middle two slots be populated with the dummy trays. The middle two slots run hottest and so should be left with the dummy trays only. Whatever the mixed configuration is, when even a single 9GB 10K rpm drive (01K7968) is included in this configuration the maximum number of drives supported in the Netfinity EXP10 is 8.

This is a power consumption issue. If a customer installs 9 or 10 of these HDDs, the customer will lose redundancy. Both power supplies in this case will be operating at 60% capacity. With both operational, the customer will not experience any problems. However should one power supply fail, the remaining power supply will not be able to maintain the necessary power, a breaker will trip and the system will shutdown.

Note: This limitation holds true only for this particular HDD.

Search Keywords

DASD, NetFinity, SCSI, hard drive, EXP10

Hint Category

Hard Drives

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000, Rack/Storage Enclosures, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 704, Rack/Storage Enclosures

Machine Type

8644, 8651, 3520, 8639, 8640, 8650



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