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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GCOR-383CGN

IBM PC730/750 - Additional notes on Mwave

Applicable to: World-Wide



(c) 1995, IBM Corp.


This document provides information to help you properly run Mwave appli-
cations in IBM's OS/2. A list of "frequently-asked questions" (FAQs)
presents answers to questions or problems you may encounter while working
with the Mwave product. Other topics include solutions to compatibility
issues and installation problems, as well as additional technical notes.

Other Helpful Documents

Use the OS/2 command VIEW to read the following online documents which
provide additional information about Mwave applications:

OS2MAIN.INF This help file presents a general overview of all
the components in Mwave.

You may also want to refer to the associated DOS and Windows ReadMe text
files for additional information. These documents are particularly useful
references if applications are run under Win-OS/2 or in a DOS Full Screen



1.1 Installing Mwave for Windows on a Computer with OS/2
1.2 Installing Mwave for OS/2
1.3 Installing MIDI Samples


2.1 FAQs about the Mwave Modem
2.2 FAQs about Mwave FAX Capabilities
2.3 FAQs about Mwave Audio Features
2.4 FAQs about Mwave's Sound Blaster Emulation
2.5 FAQs about the Mwave Demonstration Program



4.1 Microsoft Windows 3.x
4.2 DOS FAX Applications
4.3 FAX Applications using Win-OS/2
4.4 Other Applications and Mwave


5.1 Recommendations for Optimum Mwave Modem Performance


No installation errors have been reported. Please contact Product Support
if you encounter a problem during installation of the Mwave product.

1.1 Installing Mwave for Windows on a Computer with OS/2

To install Mwave for Windows on a computer on which only OS/2 Warp is

1. Start a Win-OS/2 full screen session.
2. Install Mwave according to the instructions that accompany the

To install Mwave for Windows on a computer on which both OS/2 Warp and
Windows are installed:

1. Boot your computer from DOS and then start Windows.
2. Install Mwave according to the instructions that accompany the
3. Reboot your computer to OS/2 Warp and start a Win-OS/2 full screen
4. Install Mwave according to the instructions that accompany the


1. The order in which you install Mwave for Windows is not significant.
If you prefer, install Mwave in Win-OS/2 and then reboot and install
Mwave in Windows.
2. You must install Mwave for Windows in OS/2 and in Windows to update
the SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI files for each operating system. The \MWW
directory can be shared.

If, after Mwave Windows installation, there is no sound for Win-OS/2
applications, make sure that x:\CDT\MWOS2\BIN;x:\CDT\MWW\DLL (where x is the
drive where Mwave is installed) is in the PATH statement in the Win-OS/2
version of the AUTOEXEC.BAT.

1.2 Installing Mwave for OS/2

If you install Mwave for OS/2 and the Mwave Modem does not start, you may
have a COM port conflict. If you have a serial mouse and a serial port
in your personal computer, edit the CONFIG.SYS to the /COM3 parameter to
COM.SYS statement. By default, COM.SYS is set to COM1 or COM2; adding
the COM3 parameter enables the Mwave Modem to use COM3.

If you personal computer includes a CD-ROM player that is attached to the
Mwave adapter and, after Mwave for OS/2 installation, that CD-ROM player
produces no sound, make sure that the Auxiliary Control program is

1.3 Installing MIDI Samples

(NOTE: MIDI Sample installation is not required if you are upgrading
from a previous Mwave installation.)

To install the Mwave MIDI Samples:

1. Complete the installation of Mwave on those operating systems you
intend to use (e.g. DOS, OS/2, WIN-OS/2 and/or Windows) BEFORE you
install Mwave's MIDI Samples. Reboot your computer.

The MIDI Samples installation procedure checks to see which operating
systems you've installed Mwave on.

2. Choose the environment in which you want to install MIDI Samples.
You can select either Windows or OS/2.

3. Insert the appropriate Windows or OS/2 installation disk in your
floppy drive and run the MIDI Samples install program.

4. Respond "Yes" or "No" as appropriate to the prompts asking if you
want to install the selected type of MIDI sample under each environ-

5. When the installation is complete, reboot your computer.


This section contains answers to questions about certain features and
capabilities provided by Mwave applications.

2.1 FAQs about the Mwave Modem

Q: What settings do I need to use when I install a communications appli-
cation (such as ProComm or CrossTalk)?

A: Your communications software requires that you provide a modem type, a
baud rate (i.e, the speed of your modem), and the COM port to which
the modem is attached.

The chart below describes settings required by Mwave:

To set this... Select highest ranking available setting...
The Modem type 1. Mwave modem
2. Generic Hayes-type modem
3. User-defined modem
4. Hayes SmartModem 2400
5. Hayes modem
6. Hayes compatible modem
7. Other (Note: If you select a modem of type
"Other," you must include the proper
modem initialization string. For most
applications, the initialization
string "AT&F" will work. See the Mwave
Modem online help for more information.)

Baud Rate 57,600 Kbps, or the maximum setting offered
by your communications software.

COM Port COM 2

Q: Do I need to change any configuration information if I replace COM.SYS
in Warp?

A: If you replace COM.SYS, the standard communications device driver in
Warp, you must modify the CONFIG.SYS file. Make sure the DEVICE state-
ment for the Mwave Board Driver (see below) immediately precedes the
identification of the new communications driver. For example, if you
were to add the new driver SIO.SYS, your CONFIG.SYS should include:


Q: What can I do if my 300 baud modem connections are unreliable?

A: Use the next higher setting (or baud rate) and try again. It is recom-
mended that you use the highest possible setting of your Mwave Modem.

Q: What port speed should I use when I connect my modem at 2400 bps?

A: If you attempt to force the modem to connect at 2400 bps by setting
the port speed to that value, the connection may not be made or it may
fall back to 2400 async or 1200. To avoid this problem, set the port
speed to a higher value.

Q: What host application transfer protocol is recommended for best Mwave
Modem performance?

A: For best throughput when sending or receiving data, select the
highest-ranking available transfer protocol listed here.

2. Ymodem-G
5. XMODEM (only as a last resort)

For more information, see Section 5.1 Recommendations for Optimum
Mwave Modem Performance.

2.2 FAQs about Mwave FAX Capabilities

Q: What setting should I use for the "fax/modem type" when I set up my
Class 2 FAX software to work with Mwave if "Mwave Modem" isn't listed
as an option?

A: For all FAX applications, if "Mwave Modem" is not listed, select
"Generic Class 2" or some comparable label from the application's list
of supported fax/modems.

Q: Why do I receive a Windows General Protection Fault (GPF) when I try
to start FaxWorks under Win-OS/2?

A: The GPF occurs when you try to open FaxWorks under Win-OS/2 and the
Mwave Modem is open in OS/2. Close the Mwave Modem for OS/2 and re-
start the FaxWorks application in Win-OS/2.

2.3 FAQs about Mwave Audio Features

Q: What should I do when I receive the message "MIDI is not available"
after starting a MIDI application following Digital Audio?

A: Ignore the error message and click "OK" to continue.

Q: When I play a MIDI file in OS/2 and then perform a suspend/resume,
what do I need to do to return the MIDI sounds to normal volume?

A: You should close the MIDI application before you perform the
suspend/resume. However, if the volume of MIDI sounds decreases fol-
lowing a suspend/resume, you should close the MIDI application and
then restart it.

Q: What should I do when I receive a message indicating that the "DSP
module was not found" after starting Digital Audio while the MIDI
application is active?

A: Ignore the error message and click "OK" to continue.

Q: When I connect an external CD player through the "Line In" input and
play a CD, I don't hear any sound. How do I fix this?

A: To play sound from an external CD player, you must make sure that the
Mwave recognizes the attached device. To do this:

1. Open the Mwave Auxiliary Control Panel.
2. Enable "Line + CD".

Q: How do I stop feedback from occurring when I use my microphone?

A: Lower the peak levels for playback and record for your microphone.

1. Open Mwave Audio Control from the Mwave program group.
2. Click on the MIC button.
3. Click and drag the microphone (MIC) slide controls to a lower
4. Resume using the microphone.

(Note: When the play pushbutton is selected, make sure that the
microphone check box is not selected.)

2.4 FAQs about Mwave's Sound Blaster Emulation

Q: What sound card does Mwave emulate?

A: Mwave emulates both a Sound Blaster 1.5 (SB) card and a Sound Blaster
Pro (SB Pro) card.

Q: Can I run DOS games in an OS/2 DOS box?

A: Yes. But be careful: when using Mwave Games support in an OS/2 DOS
box, only the first DOS box can actually use MWGAMES. Any other DOS
boxes you may have open will not give you the proper SoundBlaster emu-
lation you need to play DOS-based games.

2.5 FAQs about the Mwave Demonstration Program

Q: How can I run the Mwave Demo that came with my computer?

A: The Mwave Demonstration only works in a DOS/Windows environment; it
will not run in Win-OS/2. Reboot your computer in DOS, start Windows,
then run the Mwave Demo.


Before you call the technical support group, please read this entire doc-
ument for any installation, configuration, or compatibility information.
Also, the FAQs provide a good basis for answering most common questions.

If the document does not provide a solution and you need to contact tech-
nical support, please have your computer running. For faster service,
have the following information ready for our technical support personnel:

o Make and model of your computer
o Mwave software version number
o Names and version numbers of application software you are running
o Contents of your CONFIG.SYS file (You can either print the file, or
have access to an editor to view it.)


Read through this section if you have any problems with a specific appli-
cation working with Mwave.

Prodigy Users: Before Installing Mwave 2.0

To avoid the Catch-22 situation described below regarding a Prodigy error
message, please follow these steps before installing the Mwave 2.0 code

1. Log onto Prodigy
2. Jump 144
3. Click on "SETUP for 14.4"
4. Proceed through this setup selecting phone numbers etc.
5. Prodigy will automatically download the latest set of modem initial-
ization strings
6. Install Mwave 2.0 code

The following are related topics:

o Prodigy Error Message After Installing Mwave 2.0

Current ThinkPad users upgrading to new Mwave 2.0 level code may get
a CT39 or similar error message the first time they log onto Prodigy.
These users must download the latest modem initialization strings
from Prodigy in order to work correctly. This download is required
only once.

A Catch-22 situation will exist if the user installs Mwave 2.0
without first downloading the latest initialization strings (a likely
scenario) . The user needs the latest initialization strings to sign
on to Prodigy but must first sign on in order to download them.
Listed below are two procedures users can follow to extract them-
selves from this situation.

o After Installing Mwave 2.0 and Getting Error Message

1. From a DOS box, type ASSIST in the Prodigy subdirectory
2. Hit "CONTINUE" and let PRODIGY try to test the modem
3. When it fails, it will pop a "SELECT MODEM" dialog box
4. Pick "UNLISTED 9600/14400 (b)"
5. Prodigy will retry and succeed this time
6. Log onto Prodigy
7. Jump 144
8. Click on "SETUP for 14.4"
9. Proceed through this setup selecting phone numbers etc.
10. Prodigy will automatically download the latest set of modem
initialization strings
11. Next Prodigy log on should be without trouble.

o After Installing Mwave 2.0 and Getting Error Message (Alternate)

1. From a DOS box, type ASSIST in the Prodigy subdirectory
2. Hit "CONTINUE" and let PRODIGY try to test the modem
3. When it fails, it will pop a "SELECT MODEM" dialog box
4. Pick "UNLISTED 9600/14400 (b)"
5. Prodigy will retry and succeed this time
6. Click SETUP (Communications Options) on the Prodigy Sign-On
7. Select "Dial the Prodigy Phone Directory" (bottom right radio
8. Let Prodigy dial
9. Reselect your primary and secondary phone numbers
10. Prodigy will automatically download the latest modem initializa-
tion string
11. RECONNECT to Prodigy and all should be well.

Microsoft Mail 3.2

Microsoft Mail 3.2 fails to connect when using the Mwave modem. The sug-
gested fix from Microsoft is to add the line "exclusive=0" under the
[SFSremote] heading in \WINDOWS\MSMAIL.INI. Windows for Workgroups 3.11

The Remote Access Support (RAS) doesn't recognize the connected response
from the Mwave modem. The IBM Personal Computer Company (PCC) Bulletin
Board Service (BBS) provides a MODEM.INF file with the correct Mwave
information. You should obtain this file and add the information to the
\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MODEM.INF file. Windows for Workgroups (WFW) and Commu-
nications Applications

Some communications applications hang on the second attempt to use the
COM port. This condition occurs because the SERIAL.386 driver provided
with WFW 3.11 does not properly handle UART First In--First Out (FIFO)

To fix this problem, obtain the WG1001.EXE fix from Microsoft. (You may
also find this file on the IBM ThinkPad Forum on CompuServe.) In some
cases, you may need to replace WFW's \WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMM.DRV with
COMM.DRV from Windows 3.1 to completely solve the problem.

(You may also find additional compatibility solutions in Section 5.0

4.1 Microsoft Windows 3.x

If you first start Mwave functions (such as the Modem or Discriminator)
in OS/2, you can run most Windows-based applications in either a Win-OS/2
Full Screen session or a Win-OS/2 Seamless session.

However, some Windows applications (specifically those designed to use
the Mwave MCI API) require that you install Mwave for the Windows envi-
ronment. These applications include:

o Smith Micro QuickLink II Message Center

o SofNet FaxWorks for Windows

o Trio DataFax (if using the Mwave compatibility mode)

4.2 DOS FAX Applications

o BIT Software's BitFax v. 4.05A

Send and MANUAL receive functions work reliably. Automatic receive
does not work reliably with the Mwave Class 2 upgrade at this time.
To get past this problem, transmit a fax (of any kind) before
attempting to automatically answer and receive a fax. Once a fax has
been set, BitFax works properly.

4.3 FAX Applications using Win-OS/2

o General Notice

Windows Class 2 FAX applications may not work reliably if run under a
Win-OS/2 Full Screen or Win-OS/2 Seamless session. You may notice
this problem only occurs at specific transmission speeds, partic-
ularly 9600 and 14400 bps. Tests have revealed that Ray Gwinn's SIO
COM drivers (available on Compuserve in the "OS/2 B Vendor+" forum)
eliminate this problem.

4.4 Other Applications and Mwave

o Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes does not properly recognize the Mwave modem. Lotus does
not include an .MDM file that describes the Mwave commands and

To fix this problem, obtain a copy of the MWAVE.MDM file from the PCC
BBS and add it to the \NOTES directory. Follow these steps:

1. Start Lotus Notes.
2. Select the modem configuration. The list of choices should now
include the Mwave modem.
3. Choose the Mwave modem from the list.
4. Return to Notes and use as you usually would.


This section provides additional technical information and support for
specific uses of Mwave functions and/or applications.

5.1 Recommendations for Optimum Mwave Modem Performance

IBM recommends the following settings or conditions for best performance
from your Mwave Modem:

o For best throughput when sending or receiving data, select the
highest-ranking available transfer protocol listed here.

2. Ymodem-G
5. XMODEM (only as a last resort)

o Try to ensure that your communication application fully utilizes the
First In--First Out (FIFO) capabilities provided
by Mwave. Specifically, the application should fill the FIFO six (6)
or more characters per interrupt during transmit. For OS/2 2.1 and
2.11, you can use an enhanced COM driver, such as Ray Gwinn's SIO COM
drivers, to fully utilize the FIFO.

o You should enable Hardware Flow Control. Use the Hayes command AT\Q3.

o Select a modem protocol from this list, with (1) providing the best
performance, and (6) giving the worst.

Protocol AT Commands use to get protocol
1. V.42 / V.42bis AT\n7"H3
2. MNP 1-4 / V.42bis AT\n3"H3
3. MNP 1-4 / MNP5 AT\n3"H0
4. V42 AT\n7"H0
5. MNP1-4 AT\n3%C0
6. non-error corrected AT\n0

Refer to the online help available in Mwave Modem for explanation of
the AT commands required to use one of the above modem protocols.

o Trouble Connecting at 28.8 kbps

If you experience difficulties connecting at a modem speed of 28.8
kbps to a particular number, or if you have trouble connecting to a
particular modem rotary, try the following.

- If the connection is not made and the speaker is OFF:

1. Disable V.42 bis and MNP 5 using AT"H%C
2. Disable V.42 (AT\N3) or MNP 1-4 (AT\N5). You could also
disable both with AT\N.

- If the connection is not made and the speaker remains on:

1. Reduce the maximum modem throughput using the AT commands
ATs28=18 (for 26400 bps), ATS28=17 (24000bps), ATS28=16
(21600 bps), or ATS28=15 (19200 bps).
2. If you've tried step 1 and it still does not connect, use
AT*TH8 to control the speed.

Once you connect using the AT*TH8 command, remember to reset
your modem using either AT&F (for factory defaults) or
AT*TH4. If you forget to reset, your next calls will transmit
at lower V.34 connection rates.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Mwave, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 730, PC 750

Machine Type

6877, 6887




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