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Document ID: SCOD-3Z2RZT

Netfinity 7000 M10 - Installing Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

Netfinity 7000 M10 NOS Installation Instructions for Windows NT Server 4.0
Revision Level: 1.0
Updated: 10/06/98

Supported Systems
8680-nnU, nnX

Follow the Network Operating System (NOS) installation instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document.

This document contains the following
1.0 What you will need

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users

4.0 Detailed installation instructions

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation

4.2 Setting up the BIOS

4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller

4.4 Running the Windows NT Server 4.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller

Appendix A: Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 using the ServeRAID II Adapter
A.1 Configuring arrays using the ServeRAID II Adapter
A.2 Running the Windows NT Server 4.0 Installation Program using the ServeRAID II Adapter

Appendix B: Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3

1.0 What You Will Need
Supported hard disk drives. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server.

A licensed copy of Windows NT Server 4.0.

Note: The three Setup diskettes included in the Windows NT Server 4.0 package must be used to properly install this product.

Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver Diskette, v1.00 or later (part number 01K7652). For installation instructions, refer to Netfinity 7000 M10 Advanced System Management Information (01K7610.PDF) located in the IBM sites listed under 2.0 Where to download device drivers/files.

A supported adapter identified on the IBM Compatibility Web site. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server

7800 Family Manager Diskette (WIN NT V4.0, WIN NT V3.51, NetWare V3_X, OS/2 2/1X/Warp/SMP) v3.01 or later (part number 01K7530).

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) OR you can get the 01K7530.EXE file from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see the next section for more information).

If you have added PC ServeRAID II Adapter, you will need:

IBM ServeRAID Command Line Programs Diskette V3.01 (part number 01K7554) or later.
IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette V3.01 (part number 01K7558) or later.
IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette V3.01 (part number 01K7556) or later.
IBM ServeRAID Cluster Solution for Windows NT Diskette V3.01 (part number 01K7559) or later.
IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette V3.01 (part number 01K7560) or later.
S3 Video Device Driver for Windows NT 4.0 Diskette, v3.24.10 (01K7553.EXE). For installation instructions, refer to the 01K7553.TXT file located in the IBM sites listed under 2.0 Where to download device drivers/files.

One blank diskette to create an Emergency Repair Diskette (label it, Emergency Repair Diskette)

One blank diskette for each of the above device driver diskettes that you are using for your particular installation.

Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3 (file name NT4SP3_I.EXE). This is available from the Microsoft Web site or FTP site. For more information, see 2.0 Where to download device drivers/files.

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For countries outside the U.S., begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

Microsoft FTP site: ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/

Microsoft web site: http://www.microsoft.com/support/

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed installation instructions.

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
1. If you are installing more than one processor in your server, install all the processors at this time.

If you install the secondary microprocessor after you install Windows NT Server 4.0, you must reinstall the operating system.

If you plan to install more than 2GB of memory, you must install all the memory above 2GB AFTER installation of Windows NT Server and applying Service Pack 3 (or later).

2. If you have installed the ServeRAID II Adapter and plan to use it as the startup device and also plan to use an external DASD enclosure, refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper set up.

3. At this time, the Netfinity 7000 M10 does not support startable (bootable) CD-ROMs. Thus, it is necessary to start (boot) using the three Setup diskettes that accompany the Windows NT Server 4.0 CD.

4. If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter, install the IBM PC ServeRAID device driver using IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, Version 3.01 (or later).

5. If you are using the integrated Adaptec 7895-P, install Adaptec AHA-290x/291x/294x/394x/4944 or AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller from 7800 Family Manager Diskette (WIN NT 4.0, WIN NT 3.51, NetWare V3_X, OS/2 2/1/Warp/SMP v3.01 (or later).

6. You will need to press F6 during the message Setup is detecting hardware and use the Adaptec driver on the 7800 Family Manager Diskette to properly install Windows NT.

7. Install Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3. See Appendix B.

4.0 Detailed installation instructions
This section provides complete instructions for Windows NT Server 4.0 installation.

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
1. Remove the top cover for the system unit by loosening the two screws at the rear.

Note: If you plan to install more than 2GB of memory, you must install all the memory above 2GB AFTER installing Windows NT Server and applying Service Pack 3 (or later).

2. For the initial installation, you must install all the microprocessors you plan to use and it is recommended that you remove all other adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if you are installing multiple network adapters, only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, disconnect them temporarily.) After the operating system starts without errors, add these devices one at a time. This procedure simplifies the installation process.

If you have installed the PC ServeRAID II Adapter and plan to use it as the startup device, see Appendix A after completing 4.2 Setting up the BIOS.

If you plan to use an external DASD enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper set up, then proceed to 4.2 Setting Up the BIOS.

3. Install one or more drives in the internal SCSI drive bays or in an external enclosure.

4. After installation of one or more network adapters, close the top cover and secure the cover by tightening the two screws that were previously loosened.

Note: Termination for the SCSI chain is provided by the internal SCSI cable. Do not terminate any SCSI devices attached to this SCSI cable.

4.2 Setting up the BIOS
Note: This procedure assumes your machine is starting from the default settings that can be selected from the Configuration/Setup main menu.

1. Power-on the server and press F1 when prompted on the IBM logo window to enter Configuration/Setup.

2. When the Configuration/Setup Utility menu appears, move the highlighted selection to Load Default Settings and press Enter. Press Enter again to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

3. Select Date and Time and verify the settings; then, press Esc to return to the main menu.

4. Verify that you are at the latest level of BIOS by checking the IBM Web, FTP, or BBS site. The latest level at this time is OSJT23AUS. You can determine the version (level) of BIOS running on your system by highlighting the menu options System Information and pressing Enter, followed by highlighting the menu option Product Data and pressing Enter. The Flash EEPROM Revision Level field contains the BIOS version. The numbers in positions 5, 6, and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level. For example, OSJT23AUS is BIOS level 23A, U.S. English). If you determine that your BIOS does NOT need to be updated, press Esc twice; then, proceed to step 8.

5. If your BIOS needs to be updated, download the appropriate image and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file, answering Y on the last page of the licensing agreement.

6. Start (boot) using the BIOS diskette in the diskette drive and following instructions. After the BIOS update is complete, you might receive a '162 Configuration has changed' error on startup (boot). Ignore this message. Setup will be started and you can continue with step 8.

Note: If you do not see the '162 Configuration has changed' message at startup (boot) time, you will need to press F1 when the IBM logo is on the window to reenter Setup.

7. Update the Service Processor by restarting (rebooting) the system with diskette 1 of the Service Processor Management diskettes and following the instructions.

8. Highlight the Start Options menu option and press Enter.

9. Verify, and change if necessary, the Startup Device sequence to match the following:

First Startup Device = Diskette Drive 0
Second Startup Device = Hard Drive 0
Third Startup Device = Disabled
Fourth Startup Device = Disabled

10. Press Esc to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

11. Move the highlighted selection to Exit Setup and press Enter.

10. At the Exit Setup menu, select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility and press Enter.

Note: If you have added the PC ServeRAID II adapter, see Appendix A for hard disk configuration and operating system installation instructions.

4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller
1. During System startup (boot), press CTRL A when prompted by the message 'Press Ctrl A for SCSISelect Utility!'.

2. Choose the appropriate Bus:Device:Channel for the drives that have been installed. If you choose a channel that has no drives, you can press Esc to return to the selection menu.

3. Move the highlighted selection to SCSI Disk Utilities.

4. Move the highlighted selection to the SCSI ID corresponding to the hard disk drive and press Enter.

5. Move the highlighted selection to Format Disk.

6. When the red warning window appears asking 'Format Disk?', move the highlighted selection to Yes and press Enter.

7. When the red warning window appears asking 'Are you sure?', move the highlighted selection to Yes and press Enter.

Note: Formatting might take some time.

8. When the Formatting complete message is displayed, press Esc to continue.

9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for each hard disk drive in the system.

10. Press Esc twice to return to the main menu.

11. Press Esc and then move the highlighted selection to Yes at the Exit Utility? window.

12. Do NOT Press any key to restart (reboot) the system.

4.4 Running the Windows NT Server 4.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller
1. Insert the diskette labeled Windows NT Server Setup Disk and the Windows NT Server 4.0 CD into the CD-ROM drive and press any key to restart (reboot) the system.

2. When prompted, remove the startup (boot) diskette and insert Windows NT Server Setup Diskette 2 and press Enter.

3. Press Enter at the Welcome to Setup window to begin installation.

4. Press Enter at the Windows NT Server Setup window to allow Windows NT to detect mass storage devices in the system.

5. When prompted, remove Diskette 2, and insert Windows NT Server Setup Diskette 3 and press Enter.

6. You will receive a message that Setup has recognized the following mass storage devices in your computer:

IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller

7. Press S to specify additional devices.

8. Press Enter to select the Other option.

9. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Diskette V3.01 (or later) into the diskette drive and press Enter to continue.

10. When one of the the following devices is listed, press Enter.

Adaptec AHA-290x/291x/294x/4944
AIC-78xx PCI SCSI Controller (NT 4.0)

11. When the Windows NT Server Setup panel is displayed, press Enter to continue.

12. Reinsert Windows NT Server Setup Disk 3 when prompted and press Enter.

13. At the next window, a message stating Setup has determined that your computers startup hard disk is new or has been erased will appear. Press C to continue Setup.

14. Use Page down to read the license agreement. After you have finished reading the license agreement, press F8 (I agree) and continue the installation.

15. At the next window, a message stating Setup has determined that your computer contains the following hardware and software components Is displayed. Press Enter to verify The above list matches my computer.

16. Because of limitations on partitions sizes in Windows NT, you must partition your hard disk drive for an installation partition that is 4095 MB or less. On the next panel, press C to Create Partition.

17. Enter a number less than 4095MB in the blank and press Enter. NT Server requires approximately 500MB to install. If you are planning to put Microsoft BackOffice or other application software on the server, and plan to place these applications in the same partition as your server software, you will need to increase this amount accordingly.

18. Use the arrow keys to move to the Unpartitioned space and press C to create additional partitions. All partitions other than the boot partition are NOT limited to 4095MB and might be up to the disk limit size for Windows NT server.

19. Repeat step 18 until all partitions are configured.

20. When all partitions are configured, move the highlighted selection to the drive where you want Windows NT installed and press Enter to continue the installation.

21. For the C: partition, Windows NT will ask how you want the partition formatted. Make a selection and press Enter. Setup will format the drives. Depending on the size and type of drives, this might take from 1 to 20 minutes per drive.

22. Setup will then ask you to specify an installation directory. The default is C:\WINNT. Enter your choice and press Enter to continue.

23. When prompted Setup will now examine your hard disk(s) for corruption, press Enter.

24. After the check for corruption has finished, Setup will copy files to your hard disk.

25. Setup will prompt for 7800 Family Manager Diskette V3.01. Insert the 7800 Family Manager Diskette V3.01 into the diskette drive and press Enter.

26. After the file copy has completed, a message stating This portion of Setup has completed successfully is displayed. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive and press Enter to restart (reboot) the server and continue to phase 2 of the installation. Do not remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive, as it will be needed at the beginning of the restart cycle (otherwise, you will be prompted to reinsert it).

27. When the system restarts, you might receive a Virus Warning message. This is normal as the boot record of the system has been changed. Move the highlighted selection to Change is expected and press Enter.

28. After a brief file copy, the Windows NT Setup Wizard is displayed. Click on Next to gather information about your computer.

29. Enter your name and organization and click on Next.

30. Enter the CD key from the sticker on the back of the Windows NT Server CD case and press Enter.

31. Depending on the license agreement between your organization and Microsoft, you will next select the Per Server or Per Seat option. If you select Per Server, type the number of licenses you have in the blank provided. Click on OK to continue.

Note: If you select Per Seat you will NOT be able to change it to Per Server at a later time. If you select Per Server you WILL be able to change it to Per Seat at a later time.

32. Enter the name of your computer and click on Next. This name MUST be unique in the entire network.

Important Note: In the next step, you will be prompted for the Server Type. If the incorrect server type is entered, the only way to change the server type is to repeat this installation process.

33. Select your server type and click on Next. Server types include:

Primary Domain Controller (PDC): This server tracks changes made to accounts of all computers on the network. Only one is allowed per domain.

Backup Domain Controller (BDC): This server acts as a backup to the PDC. Multiple BDCs are allowed per domain.

Stand Alone Server: This is a server that serves as neither a PDC or BDC.

34. If you selected either Primary Domain Controller or Stand Alone Server,type the Administrator Account Password twice and click on Next. Otherwise, continue to step 35.

35. On the Emergency Repair Disk window, select 'Yes, create an emergency repair disk (recommended)' and click on Next. You will be asked for a diskette to build the emergency repair diskette later in the step 60. After Windows NT has finished building the installation diskette, keep the diskette in a safe place near the system.

36. Choose the components on the Select Components menu that you want to install. When finished, click on Next to continue.

37. The Windows NT Setup window will reappear with 2) Installing Windows NT Networking highlighted. Click on Next to continue.

38. On the next panel, select how this computer is connected to the network and click on Next to continue.

Note: These installation instructions only cover the option Wired to the network.

39. The next window will offer an option to install the Microsoft Internet Information Server. If you use the default of checked, then you MUST install TCP/IP protocol on the Protocol Options panel. Once your selection is made, click on Next to continue.

40. On the next window, select Start Search to allow Windows NT to search for your network adapter(s). If your adapter is found, continue with step 45. Otherwise continue with step 41.

41. If your adapter is not in the list, select Select from list to install your driver.

42. On the next panel, select Have disk.

43. When prompted for the location of the diskette, click on OK to accept the default of A.

44. Setup will find your adapter driver and ask you to continue. Depending on the adapter type, many different options might be required. The driver details are beyond the scope of these instructions. Once the driver has been properly configured, proceed to step 45. Unless you have additional adapters in the system, click Next to continue.

Note: If you have additional adapters in your system, you can select Find Next to find them, or select Select from list and Have Disk to install the drivers from diskette. Additional adapters are beyond the scope of these installation instructions.

46. If you have selected Microsoft Internet Information Server, the TCP/IP option will be selected but grayed out on the Select the networking protocols window. If you plan to connect to NetWare servers, you will need to check the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport. If you plan to connect to OS/2 Warp Server servers or Windows NT v3.51 servers, you will need to check the NetBEUI Protocol option. Once your selections are complete, click on Next to continue.

47. Choose the networking services that you want to install on the next window. If you want to install additional services, select Select from list and add the appropriate services. When finished selecting services, Click on Next to continue.

48. At this point, all selections for Windows NT Networking services are complete. If you want to make changes to any selections, click on Back and backup to the appropriate window. Otherwise, click on Next to install the selected components.

49. During this phase of the installation, you might be presented with one or more panels requesting information about the adapters you have previously selected. Make the appropriate selections and continue with step 50.

50. If you selected the TCP/IP protocol, the TCP/IP Setup window appears. If you have DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol-used to dynamically assign TCP/IP addresses in a network) installed in your network, click on Yes and continue to step 52. Otherwise, you will need to configure your TCP/IP settings by clicking on No and continuing to step 51.

51. Enter an IP address, and default gateway (router) to configure TCP/IP. Depending on your network configuration, you might also have to configure DNS, WINS Addressing, and/or DHCP Relay. Once completed, click on OK to continue.

52. On the next window, disable any network bindings you do not wish to install. Click on Next to continue.

53. At this time, you can verify your network settings by clicking on Back, or start the network by clicking on Next.

If you selected Backup Domain Controller, you will have to know an administrator name and password to be able to connect to the proper domain.

If you selected Primary Domain, you will be prompted for the domain name that this domain controller will manage. Enter your domain name in the blank provided and click on Next to continue.

54. When the Windows NT Setup window reappears, option 3) Finishing Setup is highlighted. Click on Finish to move to the final phase of the installation.

55. On the next window, choose the correct time zone from the pull-down box. If your location does not recognize daylight savings time, you will need to uncheck the option Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.

56. Click on the Date & Time tab and verify that the time and date are correct, adjusting if necessary.

57. Click on close to continue the installation.

58. Setup will show the autodetected video adapter support. Click OK on the panel which states VGA compatible display adapter.

59. Click on the Cancel button in the Display Settings window to ignore this step for now. Install the updated S3 video device drivers after completing step 62 and restarting the server. Use the installation instructions referenced in the 01K7553.TXT file located in the IBM sites listed under 2.0 Where to download device drivers/files.

60. Insert the diskette labeled Emergency Repair Diskette into the diskette drive when prompted and press Enter to create an Emergency Repair Diskette.

61. When prompted, remove the diskette and CD-ROM and click on the Restart Server icon to restart the server. Installation is now complete.

62. Continue to Appendix B to install Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3.

Appendix A: Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 using the ServeRAID II Adapter

A.1 Configuring arrays using the ServeRAID II Adapter
1. If you do NOT need to update the BIOS for your IBM ServeRAID II Adapter continue with step 5.

2. Insert the IBM ServeRAID II BIOS Firmware, Version 3.01 (part number 01K7560) or later diskette into the diskette drive and restart (reboot) the server.

3. At the IBM DOS 6.1 Startup Menu, select option 1. ServeRAID II, BIOS and FIRMWARE update and press Enter. The ServeRAID II BIOS and Firmware will then be updated.

4. After successful completion of BIOS and Firmware updates, remove the diskette from the diskette drive and continue with step 5.

5. Put in the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, Version 3.01 or later and start (boot) the system. Upon initial startup (boot), an error message similar to the following might be encountered:

Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay) (ONL:DDD:2:1)(ONL:DDD:2:2)
Your system has a configuration error due to above condition(s).
Press F5 - Update adapter configuration to exclude NON-RESPONDING drives.
WARNING: NON-RESPONDING drives will be set to DDD, DHS, or EMP state.

Press F5 to accept any configuration changes that might occur. The drives will be set up later in this section to match your configuration.

6. Move the highlighted selection to 3. EZ-RAID Configuration from the Main Menu and press Enter.

7. Move the highlighted selection to Yes and press Enter.

8. Press Enter to return to the main menu.

9. Move the highlighted selection to 7. Advanced Functions and press Enter.

10. Move the highlighted selection to 2. Backup IPS ServeRAID Config and press Enter.

11. Verify that the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, Version 3.01 is not write-protected.

12. Enter the file name to which you wish to save the Config, or press Enter to accept the default; then, confirm with a Yes.

13. Press any key to return to the Advanced Functions menu. Press Esc to return to the main menu.

14. Press Esc followed by Enter to Exit the utility. Ignore the message to back up the RAID configuration, and confirm with a Yes.

15. Do NOT press Ctrl-Alt-Del. Proceed to A.2 to continue the installation.

A.2 Running the Windows NT Server 4.0 Installation Program using the ServeRAID II Adapter
Note: The procedure outlined in steps 1 through 8 disables the integrated Adaptec controller start up capability. You can still access devices attached to it under a Network Operating System (NOS) with the proper device drivers loaded.

1. Restart (reboot) the server. During system startup (boot), press Ctrl A when prompted by the message 'Press <Ctrl><A> for SCSISelect Utility!'.

Note: It is NOT necessary to repeat steps 2 through 7 for the second channel on the integrated Adaptec disk controller.

2. Move the highlighted selection to the first Bus:Device:Channel in the list and press Enter.

3. Move the highlighted selection to Configure/View Host Adapter Settings and press Enter.

4. Move the highlighted selection to Advanced Configuration Options and press Enter.

5. Move the highlighted selection to Host Adapter BIOS (Configuration Utility Reserves BIOS Space) and press Enter. Move the highlighted selection to Disabled and press Enter.

6. Press Esc twice, then selecting Yes to confirm the changes made.

7. Press Esc once more to return to the Bus:Device:Channel selection menu.

8. Press Esc once and then select Yes to exit the SCSISelect Utility.

9. Insert the diskette labeled Windows NT Server Setup Book Disk and the Windows NT Server 4.0 CD into the CD-ROM drive and restart (reboot) the system.

10. When prompted, remove the startup (boot) diskette and insert Windows NT Server Setup Diskette 2 and press Enter.

11. Press Enter at the Welcome to Setup window to begin installation.

12. Press Enter at the Windows NT Server Setup window to allow Windows NT to detect mass storage devices in the system.

13. When prompted, remove Diskette 2, insert Windows NT Server Setup Diskette 3 and press Enter.

14. You will receive a message that Setup has recognized the following mass storage devices in your computer:

IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller

15. Press S to specify additional devices.

16. Press Enter to select the Other option.

17. Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, Version 3.01 (part number 01K7556) or later into the diskette drive and press Enter to continue.

18. Press Enter when the following device is listed:

IBM ServeRAID Adapter

19. When the Windows NT Server Setup panel is displayed, press Enter to continue.

20. Reinsert Windows NT Server Setup Disk 3 when prompted and press Enter.

21. At the next window, a message stating Setup has determined that your computer startup hard disk is new or has been erased will appear. Press C to continue Setup.

22. Use PgDn to read the license agreement. After you have finished reading the license agreement, press F8 (I agree) and continue the installation.

23. At the next window, a message stating Setup has determined that your computer contains the following hardware and software components Is displayed. Press Enter to verify The above list matches my computer.

24. Because of limitations on partitions sizes in Windows NT, you must partition your hard disk drive for an installation partition that is 4095MB or less. On the next panel, press C to Create Partition.

25. Enter a number less than 4095MB in the blank and press Enter. NT Server requires approximately 500MB to install. If you are planning to put Microsoft BackOffice or other application software on the server, and plan to place these applications on the same partition as your server software, you will need to increase this amount accordingly.

26. Use the arrow keys to move to the Unpartitioned space and press C to create additional partitions. All partitions other than the boot partition are NOT limited to 4095MB and might be up to the disk limit size for Windows NT server.

27. Repeat step 26 until all partitions are configured.

28. When all partitions are configured, move the highlighted selection to the drive where you want Windows NT installed and press Enter to continue the installation.

29. For the C: partition, Windows NT will ask how you want the partition formatted. Make a selection and press Enter. Setup will format the drives. Depending on the size and type of drives, this might take from 1 to 20 minutes per drive.

30. Setup will then ask you to specify an installation directory. The default is C:\WINNT. Enter your choice and press Enter to continue.

31. When prompted Setup will now examine your hard disk(s) for corruption, press Enter.

32. After the check for corruption has finished, Setup will copy files to your hard disk.

33. Setup will prompt for the IBM ServeRAID Adapter Disk. Insert the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, Version 3.01 (part number 01K7556) or later into the diskette drive and press Enter.

34. After the file copy has completed, a message stating This portion of Setup has completed successfully is displayed. Remove the diskette from the diskette drive and press Enter to restart (reboot) the server and continue to phase 2 of the installation. Do not remove the CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive, as it will be needed at the beginning of the restart (reboot) cycle. Otherwise you will be prompted to reinsert it.

35. From this point, continue with step 27 in 4.4 Running the Windows NT Server 4.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller to complete installation.

Appendix B: Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 Service Pack 3
Note: You will need about 75MB of free disk space to unpack the Service Pack.

1. Download the Service Pack onto your hard disk drive (be sure to select the 128-bit version if you are using the U.S./Canadian version of Windows NT Server 4.0).

2. Run the NT4SP3_I.EXE file from a command prompt or from an explore window.

3. Press Enter on the Service Pack Setup window to begin installation.

4. Page through the license agreement to read it; then, press F8 to agree and continue the installation.

5. Select whether or not you want to create an Uninstall directory; then, press Enter twice to continue.

6. The Service Pack is then copied to your server.

7. When prompted to replace the 128-bit security file with the 40-bit file, select Skip.

Note: The following OEM-installed file(s) should not be overwritten:

Adaptec device driver AIC 78XX.SYS file

8. If a message asking if you want to replace <PATH>\WINNT\SYSTEM32\SCHANNEL.DLL appears, select Replace.

9. After the installation is complete, click OK or press Enter to restart the server.

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