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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-446KMC

Servers - Unable to start Fibre Adapter configuration program

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H165674

Abstract: Unable to start Fibre Adapter configuration program.

Error indicating that the Controller is not found when Symbios Configuration program starts.



1.) Computer that has terminal emulator application installed. Note: If Windows NT is installed, then probably Hyperterm is available. (See Below if you have trouble issuing the break key)

2.) a Null modem cable.

CAUTION: This procedure will cause the loss of all LUNS and Drive Configurations. Backup all data before proceeding.

Note: If the FibrePort controller has 2 channels, then they must both be cleared.

Note: All the keyboard input on this system is case sensitive so be sure to type in the Keyboard inputs exactly as shown.

You should get prompted for a password. (Password is "infiniti")

At the debug prompt

When the procedure completes...

Disconnect serial cable and do second controller, if installed. To do this for a second controller, connect its serial port and follow the same procedure.

This problem occurs when the adapter or the drives attached to the adapter have a configuration that does not match the expected configuration.

The following is from the FAQ section from Hilgraeve (manufacturer of Hyperterm):

Q: How do I send a <Break> key?

A: Type <Ctrl><Break>. This didn't work in earlier releases running under NT 4.0. It has been fixed in V3.0 and V4.0. Both versions also include the ability to issue an Interrupt Process command which is sometimes necessary when using telnet. That command is issued by <Alt><Break>

Note: Visit http://www.hilgraeve.com to download the latest version.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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PSY2, 7000-M10, NETFINITY, UNCLASSIFIED, D/T8680, 7000, D/T8651, 5500-M10, D/T8661, 5500, D/T8660, 5000, D/T8659, 3500, D/T8644, 3000, D/T8476, 704, D/T8650, FIBRE, CHANNEL

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3000, Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 5000, Netfinity 5500, Netfinity 5500 M10, Netfinity 7000, Netfinity 7000 M10, PC Server 704

Machine Type

8476, 8644, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8651, 8680, 8650



Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A99/01/27